The Maya Drishti, the Heavenly Path of the Mind

"empowers the user with a formidable intellect capable of harnessing psionic abilities. This enables the manipulation of matter, energy, and even the very fabric of reality itself."

Created and written by Khali A. Crawford
Inheritance, the Blood of Mahboobeh
The Maya Jutsu started and drew itself back to Chhatrapati Mahboobeh, the Daughter of Samrat Miad, who founded the Al-Hashim Clan and fostered this technique. While it can be "shared" with other bloodlines through marriage and heirs, these bloodlines will eventually breed the jutsu out or it will mutate into something else. It was sanctified with the blood of Chhatrapati Mahboobeh, and it will remain loyal to her blood, thus if her bloodline was ever truly extinguished, this Jutsu would also eventually fail to exist. Within the Al-Hashim Clan, this Jutsu has an Inheritance Factor of 13%, so 2 out of 18 heirs are likely to inherit the Maya Drishti.


  1. PSIONICS: The wielders of this extraordinary ability are psychics, individuals endowed with a diverse array of psychic powers and abilities that manifest in various forms. These encompass remarkable capabilities such as psychokinesis, telepathy, teleportation, precognition, and more. The precise quantity of psychic powers a user can simultaneously possess varies, contingent upon factors such as the user's unique aptitude, their capacity to generate and control these powers, their ancestral psychic lineage, and the evolution of their natural abilities. This particular ability acts as an encompassing force, serving as an umbrella power that harmonizes and derives from a singular energy source, unifying all the interconnected powers it encompasses.
  2. Brain Manipulation: The user possesses unparalleled dominion over the intricacies of the human brain, exerting absolute control over their own cognitive processes as well as those of others. This command encompasses the manipulation of senses, both external and internal, the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind, and all functions governed by the brain. Such comprehensive mastery affords the user the capability to perform a diverse range of functions. By wielding this profound control over the brain, the user possesses the means to navigate the intricate workings of the mind, dictating its functioning and unlocking its full potential. This remarkable ability encompasses autonomic, somatic, and cognitive functions, enabling the user to shape and harness the limitless capabilities of the brain.

The Avatar Of Maya
The Avatar of Maya has no physical form and only exists within the Mindscape, when Summoned, she can forcibly pull the Summoner's victims into a realm of world domain and trap them there unless they can solve the riddle of her prison. Maya also massively amps and boosts the Summoner's PSIONIC powers as she is made entirely of Psychic Power, described as the exceptional ability to possess an extraordinary reservoir of psychic power, a vital and spiritual elemental energy that serves as the wellspring from which all their abilities spring forth. This psychic energy, known as psionics, acts as the primal source that fuels and empowers their diverse array of powers. Within the realm of psychic potential, the concept of energy knows no bounds, capable of manifesting through both mundane and esoteric or supernatural means. This allows users to access a vast repertoire of abilities, be it through natural aptitude, ancestral lineage, genetic mutation, or mystical enchantment.

Side/Secondary Effects

Throne World: Mayaloka, the Flower of Illusions
The Mayaloka is a Throne World Technique specific to each user of the Maya Path, one that can forcibly pull other minds into a pocket dimension where the user can exert the full power of their own psionic might unchallenged while also being empowered by the dimension itself. The Throne World takes 0.5 seconds to cast and has an immediate range of 15 kilometers. Once caught in the Mayaloka, victims cannot leave unless they possess psionics superior to the user or break the illusion from within or without. The major advantage of this Throne World is its non-physical components, it is entirely mental and thus immune to any kind of physical attacks. Third parties can trespass into it but doing so will trap them as well and victims can escape if they find the totem that binds them to this place. However, the two conditions for this technique to work need to be met.
  1. The User must possess psionics greater than or equal to the target.
  2. The User must be familiar with the target to craft totems to contain them in the Mayaloka once cast.
The 3 Divine Astra of Maya
  1. Maya Moksha Astra (Illusory Liberation Weapon): When this Astra is activated, it envelops the wielder in a shroud of powerful illusions, making them appear to be in a state of deep meditation and enlightenment. It confuses and distracts enemies, leading them to question their actions and seek spiritual enlightenment, effectively deterring them from conflict.
  2. Samsara Sankalpa Astra (Cycle of Existence Weapon): This Astra temporarily imposes the concept of Samsara (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) on a target. The affected individual experiences vivid and realistic visions of their past lives and potential future lives, causing them to question their current actions and priorities.
  3. Moha Maya Astra (Delusionary Illusion Weapon): When this Astra is unleashed, it creates a field of illusory manifestations, each representing a person's desires, attachments, and material cravings. Those caught in this field become entangled in their own desires, losing touch with reality and becoming easily manipulated.
Astra are metaphysical weapons imbued with divine energy, energy that is considered foreign magic in the cosmos as it originates from a Universe that predates this Universe. The 3 Astra of this Jutsu are complex and require skills to use, the user must master the base innate Jutsu before they can even attempt to master the Astra.



The origin of the Eyes Over Heaven technique can be traced back to the power vested within six deities, all of whom met their demise at the hands of Miad in his original Multiverse. The initial deity consumed by Miad was Lord Brahma, the esteemed Creator of the Heavens and the revered progenitor of the celestial beings. Through the act of devouring Lord Brahma's divine essence, Miad acquired a unique capability possessed by only a select few mortals— the ability to wield the powers of various deities once they have been assimilated.
In the course of his mortal existence, Miad proceeded to vanquish and consume the powers of five additional gods: Vishnu, Ganesha, Maya, Shakti, and Shiva. Each of these deities succumbed to Miad's relentless onslaught, and their powers seamlessly merged with his own, guided by the command of Lord Brahma himself. These divine energies, harnessed and incorporated into Miad's being, endure as the eternal power source that fuels Eyes Over Heaven.


  1. In the Mindscape's boundless realm, they clashed, Miad Dogar, a warrior fierce and brash. Against the Goddess Maya, they fight, in a timeless plane, where day meets night.Forgotten reasons, motives lost in a haze, Miad's wrath consumed, in the endless psychic maze. He fought on, relentlessly, against the divine, to see his vendetta through, in endless time.
  2. Maya, the Goddess, held her power vast, in the realm where thoughts and dreams amassed. Psionic war, they waged with all their might, a battle fierce, in endless cosmic night. But Miad, unyielding, drove his foe to kneel, in the Mindscape's depths, where thoughts could not conceal. Their minds entwined, in a battle so profound, Maya's strength waned, in silence, she was bound.
  3. In the end, it was Miad's relentless mind, that conquered Maya, in the psychic bind. He devoured her essence, divine and grand, in the Mindscape's abyss, he took his stand.

Princess Krasimir Mahboobeh of the Celestial Empire inherited the Maya Path from her Lord Father, Samrat Miad. She used it to become the founder of the Mahboobendra Dynasty and later her bloodline would become the Al-Hashim Clan. Chhatrapati Mahboobeh was the Master of Spies during her father's reigns and created the Jnana Sangha, the sect of spies and informants who worked for the crown and were responsible for intelligence gathering both within and without the Empire. The sect presists to this day and is the greatest asset to the sitting Samrat of the Celestial Empire.

Chhatrapati Mahboobeh of the Mahboobendra Dynasty
Gestures & Ritual
Formal Activation Of The Maya Drishti
  • Incantation: Om Maya Jnana. Sarva Kalpana Vilakshana. Satchidananda Vartmane.
"The Knowledge of Illusion." bears the Mannaz (ᛘ) - This rune represents the self, humanity, and the quest for knowledge and understanding. "Beyond All Imagination." bears the Eihwaz (ᛇ) - This rune symbolizes the Yew tree, transformation, and the balance between life and death. "The Path of Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss." bears the Gebo (ᚷ) - This rune signifies gifts, partnerships, and the exchange of energy and love.
  • Gesture: The user stands with their feet shoulder-width apart and their arms extended outward, parallel to the ground. Their palms face upwards, and they slowly raise their arms, drawing them together above their head, symbolizing the dispelling of the illusion of separateness.
  • Ritual: To activate The Maya Drishti, the user engages in a ritual that involves focused introspection and contemplation. They must close their eyes and enter a state of deep meditation, gradually detaching from the illusions and distractions of the material world. The ritual emphasizes the awareness of the mind's role in creating illusions.
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
Varies on skill
Applied Restriction
  1. Mental Strain: The manipulation of the human brain, summoning the Avatar of Maya, casting the Throne World, and using the Divine Astra should all impose a significant mental strain on the user. Using these powers excessively or for prolonged periods could lead to mental exhaustion, confusion, or even temporary loss of control over their abilities.
  2. Immunity: Some beings or entities may be immune to the effects of these powers, especially if they have strong psychic defenses or countermeasures. This would prevent the user from being too overpowered in situations where they face experienced psychic adversaries.
  3. Learning Curve: Mastery of the base innate Jutsu and the Divine Astra should require significant training and experience. It should not be something that a novice can easily achieve, ensuring that only experienced users can wield these powers effectively.
  4. Emotional State: The user's emotional state could affect the precision and control of their powers. Extreme emotions like anger or fear might lead to unintended consequences or reduced effectiveness.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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