Inherited Magical Technique


  • Command
  • Constant
  • Conditional
IMJs or Jutsu are manifest as 1 of 3 types, or Hybrid Types. COMMAND Types are Jutsu that must be manually turned on and off by the User via Magical Energy normally. CONSTANT Types are active 100% of the type from inception and normally don't consume Magical Energy. CONDITIONAL Types are Jutsu that only trigger once certain exterior or interior conditions have been set and/or met, Users typically are made aware of these conditions.


Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic.
All Magic is unique to the Mage who cast it, two Pyromancy Fire Ball spells cast by different Mages can be told apart by a trained eye. Magic is a very personal art, one linked to a Mage's Dharma. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength.
Thus, repeated use of Magic over a long period of time within a bloodline that has a strong Magical potential, which is caused by many members of a bloodline using and learning Magic in obedience to their Dharma, yields an Inherited Magical Jutsu (IMJ). An IMJ or Jutsu is a Magical ability or power that a Mage inherits from their bloodline. Jutsu can be thought of as specific instructions or designs on the cellular structure of a Mage's Mana Cells that contain the unknowable secrets of the Jutsu. The source of a Jutsu is the bloodline and the bloodline is the source of the Jutsu, one informs the other, and both impact each other. If a bloodline stops producing Dharmic Mages, their Jutsu will slowly be bred out, inversely, an increase in Dharmic Mages will increase the number of heirs who are likely to inherit the Jutsu. And should Dharmic Mages from other established bloodlines be bred in, the two Jutsu will cancel each other out and a 3rd new one may eventually be born.

Inherited Magical Technique

  • Command

  • Constant

  • Conditional

IMTs or Jutsu are manifest as 1 of 3 types, or Hybrid Types. COMMAND Types are Jutsu that must be manually turned on and off by the User via Magical Energy normally. CONSTANT Types are active 100% of the type from inception and normally don't consume Magical Energy. CONDITIONAL Types are Jutsu that only trigger once certain exterior or interior conditions have been set and/or met, Users typically are made aware of these conditions.

Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic.
All Magic is unique to the Mage who cast it, two Pyromancy Fire Ball spells cast by different Mages can be told apart by a trained eye. Magic is a very personal art, one linked to a Mage's Dharma. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength.
Thus, repeated use of Magic over a long period within a bloodline that has a strong Magical potential, which is caused by many members of a bloodline using and learning Magic in obedience to their Dharma, yields an Inherited Magical Jutsu (IMJ). An IMJ or Jutsu is a Magical ability or power that a Mage inherits from their bloodline. Jutsu can be thought of as specific instructions or designs on the cellular structure of a Mage's Mana Cells that contain the unknowable secrets of the Jutsu. The source of a Jutsu is the bloodline and the bloodline is the source of the Jutsu, one informs the other, and both impact each other. If a bloodline stops producing Dharmic Mages, their Jutsu will slowly be bred out, inversely, an increase in Dharmic Mages will increase the number of heirs who are likely to inherit the Jutsu. And should Dharmic Mages from other established bloodlines be bred in, the two Jutsu will cancel each other out and a 3rd new one may eventually be born.


Gestures & Ritual
The Formal and Informal Activation of an Inherited Jutsu
The very law of creation is Logic and Reason and Order, all things obey this without exception, including the activation of a Jutsu by the User. The Formal Activation (FA) or FOAC of a Jutsu follows the method by which it is supposed to be cast to gain the most effectiveness out of it. The FA is composed of INCANTATIONS (spoken or sung words of power or focus), GESTURES (physical symbols made with the body), and RITUALS (events or ceremonies). All three come together to formally cast a Jutsu with maximum effectiveness.
  1. Incantations are typically 3-5 words or phrases, and each one is linked to an Elder Rune, the oldest language in Yggdrasil. For example, the incantation "Om Namah Shivaaya. Rudra Tandava. Kali Maha Pralaya." can be represented as the Uruz (ᚢ), Thurisaz (ᚦ), and Dagaz (ᛞ) Runes respectively. Thus, this Incantation can also be considered completed simply by speaking "Uruz. Thurisaz. Dagaz.", or mentally repeated. The exact contents and meaning of an Incantation are derived from the Logic of the Jutsu. And because a Jutsu is just a special set of instructions installed on the Mana Cells of a Mage after generations of their bloodline produced Dharmic Mages, the Incantations are informed by the actions and beliefs of the bloodline itself. The blood remembers, it always remembers.
  2. Gestures can be anything from complex hand signs to elaborate body poses and symbols made with limbs. They are a symbolic action taken to further prepare the body and mind to execute the Jutsu. It is the physical aspect of the Jutsu inscribed upon a Mage's DNA and they may come to use these Gestures in other attributes of their Magic. In this way their body may more naturally enter the state of Formal Casting and associate it with other Magic, thereby increasing their total ability.
  3. Rituals are ceremonial in nature and exist to tie the Incantations and Gestures together with the mindset, it acts as the binding force that holds all the elements of a Formal Casting before the execution of the Jutsu. To disrespect the ritual is to disrespect one's own culture, society, history, and people. It is a very important part of Formal Casting and if done incorrectly might offend members of the Household.
The inverse of an FA is the Informal Activation (IA) or INAC where the Mage will forego certain elements of the FA in order to cast the Jutsu much faster but with significantly less effectiveness. The truth of the matter, at least among Battle Mages, is that most of them only perform an Informal Casting of their Jutsu, as the heat of battle does not easily allow for Formal Casting. Very rarely will the enemy allow them time to perform their rituals and Incantations to fire off their Jutsu once. Additionally, Informal Casting is like taking a cake out of the oven before it's done, firing a gun before it is ready to be fired. So, yes it is far less effective, but this way significantly reduces the cooldown time between casting. Whereas a Formal Casting may have a cooldown of 15 minutes, an Informal Casting might allow a Mage to fire off their Jutsu 12-15 times before they even start to feel like they should let it cool down. There are serval ways to make up for power and effectiveness with an Informal Casting.
  1. Mastery of the Seven Tubaki Genshin GatesOnce the body has Magical Energy, it travels upon a route of 7 metaphysical gates known as the Seven Tubaki Genshin, which act as regulators of the Mage's magical energy. These Gates are self-imposed limiters for the safety of the Mage in question. Learning how to open all Seven Tubaki Genshin is essential to make full use of 100% of your full power, this is known as Opening all Seven Gates. But just as important is learning to close them on command. Putting 100% of your power into every action you take with Magic will only completely burn through the energy your Mana Cells collected. The sign of a great mage is one who can use Magic in a controlled and disciplined way.
  2. Obeying Your DharmaDharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength. Just as a star, radiant and undaunted, shines at its brightest when it follows its destined course through the cosmos, so too does a mage's power reach its zenith when in sync with their Dharma.
  3. Familiar SummoningFamiliars form a Summoning Contract with a Mage signed in blood, the details are to be decided between the two parties privately. Failure to uphold the Contract or breaking it altogether will result in Magical sanctions. Familiars will then serve as the basis of Magic for the Mage, allowing them to easily "build" their spells and form their Magic once they have the understanding that comes with their Contract. Magic is a deeply visual art, you can only bring something into creation if you know what it is. This Magic is made stronger when the actual Familiar is Summoned and used in conjunction with the Mage to create a devastating power team.
All of these can also be used to exponentially increase the power and effectiveness of a Formal Activation as well and any Mage worth their salt should be capable of them as well, but they are especially good at making up for the loss of effectiveness of Informal Casting.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Articles under Inherited Magical Technique


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