The Vishnu Drishti, Heavenly Path of Preservation

Vishnu's essence gained, Energy vast, boundless, untamed, Mastery attained.

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford | Also known as Kami no Hozen no Michi or the Way of Divine Preservation
Inheritance, the Sons of Khashayar
The Vishnu Jutsu started and drew itself back to Prince Krasimir Khashayar, son of Samrat Miad, who founded the Reyjor Clan and fostered this technique. While it can be "shared" with other bloodlines through marriage and heirs, these bloodlines will eventually breed the jutsu out or it will mutate into something else. It was sanctified with the blood of Chhatrapati Khashayar, and it will remain loyal to his blood, thus if his bloodline was ever truly extinguished, this Jutsu would also eventually fail to exist. Within the bloodline itself, it has an Inheritance Factor of 73%, so 13 out of 18 heirs are likely to inherit the Vishnu Jutsu.


  1. Zero-Point Energy Expanderature: This extraordinary capability enables the efficient modulation of energy within the host's body, resulting in remarkable conservation of energy expenditure during spellcasting endeavors. As a consequence, the user's consumption of personal energy reserves is rendered infinitesimally close to negligible, thereby preventing exhaustion. The ability inherently adapts its efficacy based on the quantum of energy being channeled by the user, effectively scaling itself up or down to align with the required energy levels. Even under demanding circumstances, the host's energy reserves should never diminish beyond 25% of their total Magical Energy capacity. When mastery is achieved, this profound ability extends its influence to encompass all forms of energy housed within the individual's corporeal vessel. (This Effect is on 100% of the time as a Constant Jutsu, thus it does not consume Magical Energy.)
  2. Perfect Magical Energy Yield: Mana, originating from the enigmatic realms of the 5th Dimension, undergoes a pivotal process of acquisition within an individual's Mana Cells. These specialized conduits intertwine the collected Mana with Natural Energy, culminating in a harmonious fusion that renders the resulting energy safe for utilization by corporeal beings. Notably, during this transformative process, a portion of Mana dissipates, leading to a diminished yield for most Mages, producing only half or less of the potential Magical Energy. However, this extraordinary ability defies the norm by achieving an impeccable 100% conversion rate of Mana to Magical Energy. As a consequence, the possessor of this ability gains access to an exponentially augmented reserve of energy, surpassing the capabilities of their counterparts. Additionally, the flawless conversion process remarkably reduces the duration required for Magical Energy recovery by half, affording the user swift readiness to employ their magical prowess once more. (This Effect is on 100% of the time as a Constant Jutsu, thus it does not consume Magical Energy.)
  3. Energy Manipulation: The user possesses the remarkable capability to generate, manipulate, and mold energy—a fundamental and essential attribute associated with the potential to induce change or accomplish work. Energy, being a fundamental quantitative property intrinsic to systems, whether tangible objects or expansive energy fields, can assume various forms, each exhibiting distinct manifestations and measurable characteristics. As per the principle of energy conservation, the overall energy content of a system can solely experience augmentation or reduction through its transfer into or out of the system. Consequently, when a system comprises multiple non-interacting components or encompasses diverse forms of energy, the total energy can be determined through straightforward summation.
The Avatar Of Vishnu
Upon the summoning of the Avatar of Vishnu, an extraordinary closed system is established between the celestial being and the Summoner. Within this intricate connection, the Avatar assimilates and transmutes the expended Magical Energy of the Summoner, reinvigorating it and replenishing the Summoner's reserves. This remarkable process bestows upon the Summoner an unparalleled and boundless wellspring of Magic, rendering their supply truly "unlimited" and impervious to depletion. This ability proves especially invaluable in environments or circumstances where Magic is nullified or suppressed, as it allows the Summoner to tap into an unceasing source of magical power. In essence, the Avatar of Vishnu functions as an artificial reservoir, perpetually supplying the Summoner with the energy necessary to wield their Magic.

Side/Secondary Effects

The 5 Astra of Vishnu
  1. Sudarshana Chakra Astra (Discus Weapon): This Astra summons the Sudarshana Chakra, Vishnu's sacred spinning discus. When unleashed, it can lock onto and pursue its target relentlessly, cutting through obstacles and enemies with unparalleled precision.
  2. Panchajanya Shankha Astra (Conch Shell Weapon): When blown, this Astra creates a sonic wave that can be used for various purposes, such as stunning opponents, dispelling illusions, or even purifying the environment of negative energies.
  3. Garuda Vahana Astra (Garuda Mount Weapon): This Astra allows the user to summon Garuda, the divine eagle mount of Vishnu. Garuda can carry the wielder through the air with great speed and grace, offering protection from aerial attacks.
  4. Kaustubha Mani Astra (Kaustubha Gem Weapon): When activated, this Astra conjures a radiant gem, the Kaustubha, which radiates divine light and energy. The gem can be used to heal wounds, enhance the wielder's strength, and dispel darkness.
  5. Narayanastra (Vishnu's Arrow Weapon): This Astra unleashes a powerful arrow imbued with the essence of Lord Vishnu. When fired, it seeks out its target unerringly and can cause immense destruction to both physical and spiritual adversaries.
Astra are metaphysical weapons imbued with divine energy, energy that is considered foreign magic in the cosmos as it originates from a Universe that predates this Universe. The 5 Astra of this Jutsu are complex and require skills to use, the user must master the base innate Jutsu before they can even attempt to master the Astra.



The origin of the Eyes Over Heaven technique can be traced back to the power vested within six deities, all of whom met their demise at the hands of Miad in his original Multiverse. The initial deity consumed by Miad was Lord Brahma, the esteemed Creator of the Heavens and the revered progenitor of the celestial beings. Through the act of devouring Lord Brahma's divine essence, Miad acquired a unique capability possessed by only a select few mortals— the ability to wield the powers of various deities once they have been assimilated.
In the course of his mortal existence, Miad proceeded to vanquish and consume the powers of five additional gods: Vishnu, Ganesha, Maya, Shakti, and Shiva. Each of these deities succumbed to Miad's relentless onslaught, and their powers seamlessly merged with his own, guided by the command of Lord Brahma himself. These divine energies, harnessed and incorporated into Miad's being, endure as the eternal power source that fuels Eyes Over Heaven.


  1. In the realms of cosmic grandeur, where galaxies danced their celestial waltz, Lived Miad Dogar, a man of fierce resolve, amid the cosmic expanse's faults. A being of enigma and voracious might, he trod where mortals feared to roam, To challenge gods with unshaken will, in the celestial heavens far from home.
  2. Upon his quest, he soared through stars, an interstellar odyssey untold, To the Resplendent Infinite Golden Palace, where the gods' secrets would unfold. In the radiant abode of divine splendor, where the cosmos' mysteries interlace, He met Vishnu, the preserver of all, in that ethereal, transcendent space.
  3. Vishnu, the cosmic dreamer, reclined on the serpentine couch of time, His four arms, like cosmic compasses, guided the universe's rhyme. His eyes, like the oceans of creation, shimmered with wisdom's endless grace, And Miad Dogar, the bold interloper, stepped forth to challenge this cosmic face.
  4. "O Vishnu," spoke Miad Dogar, his voice a thunderous tempest in the sky, "I seek to feast upon the essence of gods, your power I shall not deny. In the dance of cosmic balance, you uphold the threads of fate, But today, I'll weave a different tale, and your celestial form shall sate."
  5. Vishnu, the cosmic dreamer, met Miad's gaze with tranquil calm, As though the universe itself whispered secrets in his palm. "My purpose is to preserve, to nurture life's eternal stream, Yet, you, Miad Dogar, are an anomaly, a break in this cosmic dream."
  6. With celestial laughter, Vishnu unfurled his cosmic lotus eyes, Each petal is a universe, in which endless stories arise. He spoke in riddles, a dance of paradox and lore, "Consume me if you will, Miad Dogar, for I am the eternal shore."
  7. Miad Dogar, unyielding in his quest, leaped forth with cosmic might, The heavens quaked, and stars in awe bore witness to the fight. In an astral battle of epic scope, they clashed in cosmic dance, As metaphors of creation and destruction intertwined their chance.
  8. Vishnu's form, an ever-changing river, flowed through Miad's grasp, Yet Miad, like a hungry tide, clung to the cosmic mast. He devoured Vishnu's divine essence, a feast of metaphysical delight, As the heavens wept and trembled, surrendering to the endless night.
  9. The Resplendent Infinite Golden Palace trembled in cosmic fear, As Miad Dogar, now a god himself, consumed the atmosphere. He had conquered Vishnu, the preserver of the cosmic flame, But in his victory's hollow echo, he found life would never be the same.
  10. For in the grand tapestry of existence, where gods and mortals tread, Miad Dogar learned that power alone leaves one spiritually unfed. As he soared through the heavens, a god among the stars, He pondered the cost of his ambition and the scars that left their marks.

Prince Krasimir Khashayar inherited the Vishnu Path from his Lord Father, Samrat Miad, and sharpened it to perfection. He founded the Khashayaraṇa Dynasty of the Celestial Empire and eventually the Reyjor Clan. Chhatrapati Khashayar was also a prominent leader of the Kshatriya Varma, the elite class of warrior knights who served alongside the Troopers of the Celestial Army. He led them during the Empire's war with The Imperium of Miðgarðr and was a vital key to their success during their campaigns.

Chhatrapati Khashayar, Lord of the Khashayaraṇa Dynasty
Gestures & Ritual
Formal Activation Of The Vishnu Drishti
  • Incantation: Om Vishnu Namo Namah (ᚬ). Sarvopari Dhara (ᛏ). Srishti Sthiti Samhara (ᛜ).
"I bow to Vishnu, the All-Pervading." Is represented with the Ansuz (ᚬ) - This rune represents divine inspiration, wisdom, and communication. "The Supporter of All." bears the Tiwaz (ᛏ) - This rune is associated with justice, honor, and leadership. "Creation, Preservation, and Destruction." bears the Inguz (ᛜ) - This rune symbolizes fertility, new beginnings, and potential growth.
  • Gesture: The user stands with their feet together, palms pressed together in a namaskar or prayer position, with fingers pointing upward. This gesture symbolizes their connection to the divine and their intention to preserve and sustain.
  • Ritual: The ritual for activating The Vishnu Drishti involves a series of movements that mimic the gentle and nurturing actions of Lord Vishnu. The user must perform graceful and deliberate movements, symbolizing the preservation of balance and harmony in the universe.
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
Applied Restriction
  1. Physical and Mental Strain: Even though the energy expended during spellcasting is highly efficient, using this power still places a significant mental and physical strain on the user. Casting spells, especially complex ones, can lead to exhaustion, mental fatigue, and even physical harm if overused. The user may experience headaches, muscle fatigue, or other adverse effects if they push themselves too hard.
  2. Energy Compatibility: The ability to convert Mana to Magical Energy may work perfectly for the user, but it might not be compatible with other sources of magical energy. If the user tries to harness external or foreign sources of magic, the conversion rate could be significantly lower or even non-existent, limiting their versatility in magic use.
  3. Avatar of Vishnu Constraints: While the Avatar of Vishnu provides an unlimited source of magic, it could have restrictions on how frequently it can be summoned or how long it can remain active.
  4. Astra Mastery: To master the 5 Astra of Vishnu, the user must demonstrate exceptional skill and understanding of each weapon individually. This process could be time-consuming and may require intense training and trials. Until the user has reached a certain level of mastery in the base innate Jutsu, they cannot even attempt to unlock or use the Astra.
  5. Energy Conservation: While the power is efficient at conserving energy during spellcasting, it cannot create energy out of nothing. The user must still have a source of magical energy (Mana or other) to draw from, and if their reserves are entirely depleted, the power won't be able to function.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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