Vlad Dracula the Impaler

In the twilight of my existence, as the crimson life drains from my veins, I stand here, facing my own creation, the antithesis of my very being. Mizan, my son, the Alucard, the embodiment of all that I am not.

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

Voivode of Wallachia, the 1st Dark Lord of the Night, the Father of the Nosferatu, Vlad Moldavescu Dracula III

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Blood Magic
The user is able use blood magic, an ancient and very powerful but still dangerous form of magic that relates to blood. This particular kind of magic predates the modern word-based magic via incantations and was considered by some to be more powerful than most due to the esoteric nature of blood, as user has the inherent power in their blood, they can cast extremely powerful spell. Blood Magic was a kind of magic based on the employment of blood which is an important component in many rituals, spells and other aspects of the supernatural world, an due to the supernatural properties of the user's blood they can inherit specific magical blood-based powers (E.g. Blood Manipulation). Due to diversity of blood, users can used different blood type to preform different forms of spells which can bound to the blood they used.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vlad the Third was the 2nd born son of Vlad the Second, the ruler of Wallachia, and he himself an illegitimate bastard of the previous ruler, Mircea the First. Vlad's brother, Prince Mircea the Second, was killed along with his father when an enemy force, led by Malik Rhysford, laid claim to Wallachia but allowed Prince Vlad, Radu the Third, and Vlad the Fourth to escape. Princess Alexandra was wed to Rhysford's son, Saint-Onnstein, and Wallachia was given to him to rule. Vlad III, Radu III, and Vlad IV would eventually return to Wallachia under the banners of the Silas Rebellion to sew discord in their captured kingdom and start a massive civil war campaign. The House of Embers dispatched more Troopers and Knights to Wallachia to aid Malik Saint-Onnstein but his father was forced to intervene directly when Prince Radu III spilled his royal blood and held his children by Princess Alexandra hostage.
Prince Vlad III faced down the usurper Malik Rhysford above the skies of Wallachia on his Crimson Barge. Vlad fought like an animal backed into a corner and though his forces did not match the House of Embers, his fury did so 10 times over. Vlad slaughtered Rhysford and drank his blood, consuming his knowledge and adding what remained of his power to himself. Vlad III was elected to rule by his brothers and thus he sat on the throne of Wallachia.



The Burning of Emberose and the Fall of the House of Embers
Upon taking the Throne of Wallachia and murdering the usurper Malik Rhysford of the House of Embers, Voivode Vlad organized his forces for an offensive on the heart of the House of Embers, on their Seat of Power, the planet Emberose. The sudden attack on Emberose after such a bloody rebellion was unexpected but the Ember House was not unprepared for an attack. They raised their planetary shielding and activated their orbital defense systems, The Wallachians didn't have the tech to penetrate the dome or destroy all the ODSs, so the Embers dug in for a short siege. But they misunderstood the Wallachian's goals, and they underestimated Dracula Vlad III. Spilling the blood of 200 Mages as a sacrifice, Vlad used his magics to conjure a cosmic storm right on top of Emberose. Solar Flares and Cosmic Winds disrupted technology outside the shielding and ate away at the integrity of the barrier. And when it failed, Vlad released every nuclear warhead the Wallachian Empire was capable of building and bombarded the planet for three weeks straight. Vlad left the cosmic storm over Emberose, which was now the eye of the storm, but no starship could safely enter or leave it. To this day, it remains and has been known as the Devil's Eye. Some serval other smaller House Ember colonies were dealt with until a formal surrender was accepted by Voivode Vlad. The Embers were wiped out and the last member of the main line, Maria-Rhoderika, was wed to Prince Radu III. And thus, Vlad's revenge for the death of his father and brother was complete.
Alucard, the Inverse of Dracula
At the capital city on the planet Wallachia, as the Knights of Camelot pressed into the kingdom, Count Vlad was approached by his son, Prince Mizan, named el-Alucard "The Alucard", the antithesis of his father. Wielding his Moonveil long sword, Mizan crossed blades with his father as their kingdom fell apart around them. Vlad was a master of Blood Magic and an Eight-Arts Mage, but he found his son to match him by every metric and was ultimately felled. The death of Vlad marked the defeat of the Wallachian Blood Empire and the defeat of The Nosferatu.

Family Ties

  • Vlad Dracula II | Parent ♂
  • Eupraxia Moldavescu | Parent ♀
  • Radu Dracula III | Sibling ♂
  • Vlad Dracula IV | Sibling ♂
  • Alexandra Dracula | Sibling
  • Mircea Dracula II | Sibling ♂
Vlad III was the favorite child of his mother and loved by his father because he could learn to do anything he set his mind to. After the death of his parents and Prince Mircea II, Vlad III, Radu III, and Vlad IV vowed a blood pact of revenge and were bonded in their hatred. After they liberated their homeland again, his relationship with his sister Princess Alexandra became strained. During the Civil War, her son by the usurper, Prince Saint-Valeryion, was cut down and Vlad sought to butcher all the bastards and made a ghastly example of 4 of her remaining 6 children. She removed herself from the House of Drăculești and eloped with her last two living children to Realms unknown.
  • Justina Szilágyi | Spouse ♀
  • Mihnea Dracula | Offspring ♂
  • Vlad-Drakwlya Dracula | Offspring ♂
  • Valdric Dracula | Offspring ♂
  • Intisaar | Spouse ♀
  • Mizan el-Alucard | Offspring ♂
  • Romanitza Cojoc | Spouse ♀
  • Adam Dracula | Offspring ♂
  • Vergil Dracula | Offspring ♂
  • Vlad-Brândușa Dracula | Offspring ♀
  • Mihaela Dracula | Offspring ♀
  • Eupraxia Dracula II | Offspring ♀
  • Vlad-Gheorghe Dracula | Offspring ♂

Religious Views


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Voivode of Wallachia
  • The 1st Dark Lord of the Night
  • The Father of the Nosferatu
  • The 1st Vampire
  • Vlad the Impaler
Circumstances of Death
Killed by his son Prince Mizan on the Throne of Wallachia during the Fall of the Wallachian Blood Empire
Piercing Orange / Yellow
Long Black / Brown Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White / Cream
250 Lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "The pursuit of power is not for the faint of heart, nor the feeble of mind. It is a relentless pursuit, an unquenchable thirst that drives us to the brink of madness. But in the end, it is the wielder of power who dictates the course of history, and those who dare stand in our path are mere pawns in our grand design."
  • "In the crucible of war, when empires clash and destinies are forged, it is the strength of one's resolve that sets them apart. For I have seen the mightiest of armies crumble before the unyielding will of a single individual. Power is not solely measured in numbers; it is the indomitable spirit, the unwavering belief in one's own supremacy, that can turn the tide of any battle."
  • "The annals of history are stained with the blood of conquerors and the tears of the conquered. To wield power is to write one's own chapter in this eternal saga. But remember this, my brethren: Power is but a double-edged sword, for it can elevate you to the heavens or cast you into the abyss. Choose your path wisely, for in the end, it is not the throne that defines a ruler but the legacy they leave behind."
  • "Mercy is a luxury that the powerful cannot afford, for it is often mistaken as weakness. To show mercy to my enemies would be to invite chaos and rebellion, to sow the seeds of my own demise. In the unforgiving world of power and conquest, ruthlessness is the currency of survival."
  • "My enemies, those who have dared to challenge me, have chosen their path. They have declared their intentions with steel and blood. To show them mercy would be to betray the sacrifices of those who fought and bled by my side. In this crucible of conflict, there is no room for clemency."
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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