Witchcraft: The Emotional Spectrum

The Manipulation of Emotional Energy, the threads of reality that govern the minds and hearts of all beings

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford


Individuals possess the remarkable ability to harness, shape, and control the potent energy generated by the emotions emanating from every living entity capable of experiencing them. This power enables users to amplify, diminish, or alter emotional energy, even manifesting it into a tangible, physical form. This extraordinary capability, often termed Witchcraft or the Manipulation of the Emotional Spectrum extends beyond the mere influence of one's own or others' emotions.
Emotions are not just fleeting sensations; they are tangible waves of energy that serve as integral threads binding the fabric of reality. Unlike the structured principles of formulas and machines, emotions, and their subsequent reactions to what is known as Realspace, play a pivotal role in maintaining this intricate connection. The dichotomy of Law and Order acts as the dividing line between Realspace and the chaotic realm of Khaos. The emotions of all beings emerge as a consequence of their interaction with Realspace, and reciprocally, their emotional states influence and alter Realspace.
Mastering the Emotional Spectrum allows individuals to grasp the very threads that weave reality together, providing them the ability to manipulate and bend it according to their desires. When combined with the force of Magic, the art of Witchcraft is born. Magic serves as the catalyst, expanding the scope of emotional manipulation within Realspace to unprecedented levels. The synergy between Magic and the Emotional Spectrum results in a profound transformation of power.
Witches, practitioners of Witchcraft, experience a significant shift in their abilities, with their powers being intricately linked to their emotional states. The emotional state of a Witch serves as a potent amplifier, propelling them into realms of power previously unattainable. These master manipulators of emotions and wielders of Magic can ascend to newfound heights, capable of warping the very fabric of Realspace itself. The mastery of Witchcraft not only grants defensive capabilities, such as the creation of protective force fields but also offensive prowess, allowing them to unleash potent energy blasts. Moreover, the adept use of the Emotional Spectrum in tandem with Magic empowers Witches to not only shield themselves from magical attacks but also deflect these energies back towards their source. In essence, Witches become architects of reality, shaping it with the profound interplay of emotions and Magic.

Side/Secondary Effects

The AESOTERIC FLAMES OF ABSOLUTION are the pinnacle of Witchcraft, often called the Aesoteric Flames, the Witches Fire, or the Rainbow Flames. They are magical emotional flames composed of every single color in existence, and as their name implies, they are absolution incarnate. To be burned by the Rainbow Flames is to be destroyed down to the very soul, with no afterlife, no resurrection, no revivals. It is death. Likewise, wounds inflicted by the flames will never heal, and should the victim swap bodies or otherwise change their physical form, the wound will follow them. For this reason, Weapons composed of Aesoteric Flames are called Great Equalizers, as they level the playing field and bring the Gods back to mortality. Only a High Vanir can create a Great Equalizer, and very few have the gift for it.


Within this intricate power system, spells exhibit a static nature but undergo a fascinating transformation, adopting a specific coloration that intimately reflects the emotions coursing through the Witch casting the spell. This chromatic manifestation, in turn, intricately influences both the potency and capabilities of the spell. The color spectrum, ranging from the warm embrace of Orange to the mystical allure of Indigo, serves as a guide to discern how a spell will behave. Furthermore, the shades within this spectrum, differentiating between Light and Darker tones, dictate the spell's effectiveness.
At the core of this enchanting system lie the Primary Colors—CRIMSON, AZURE, and AMBER—each possessing its unique emotional weight and significance. Spells cast in these primal hues emanate unparalleled power, tapping into the raw and primal essence of base emotions. The simplicity of Primary Spells requires no intricate skill or finesse; they represent the purest embodiment of instinctive urges, allowing Witches to effortlessly draw upon them for formidable power.
Yet, the hallmark of a true Witch lies in their ability to craft spells adorned with the nuanced hues of the Primary Colors. These Secondary Spells, born from a fusion of the foundational CRIMSON, AZURE, and AMBER, ascend to a higher echelon of magical prowess. However, the mastery of Secondary Spells demands a higher level of patience and finesse from the adept Witch. It is in the delicate dance of emotions and the precise weaving of magical energies that these spells find their true potential, transcending the primal force of their Primary counterparts. The crafting of Secondary Spells is an art, requiring the Witch to navigate the intricacies of emotion and magic, resulting in spells that are not only more potent but also possess a complexity that sets them apart.


The Archons were a subservient race of entities, specially engineered by El-Shinra with the purpose of establishing the fundamental infrastructure of the Realms of Yggdrasil. Their responsibilities encompassed the creation of these realms, the forging of celestial bodies such as stars, the construction of planets, and the precise arrangement of the atomic structure for all manner of beings. Once their foundational work was completed, the Archons assumed the duty of maintaining these Realms, diligently attending to tasks such as repairing aging realms, reigniting fading stars, expanding landmasses, and regulating the climate.
However, not all Archons adhered to their assigned duties. A specific contingent of Archons entrusted with the upkeep of the Realm Vanaheim failed to fulfill their obligations and instead chose to transgress their given commands. These Archons engaged in relationships with mortal women, the inhabitants of Vanir, ultimately forming unions with them. The consequences of this unholy amalgamation resulted in the emergence of a distinct class of Vanir, beings who exhibited traits closer to divinity than humanity. These exceptional Vanir acquired the capacity to harness the Emotional Spectrum, enabling them to wield the Aesoteric Flame of Absolution as a formidable power.
Upon discovery of this sinful act, the Archangel St. Michael and the Lightbringer Lucifer took decisive action, purging the errant Company of Archons responsible for these transgressions. Remarkably, El-Shinra, in exercising forbearance, spared the Vanir from annihilation as they were not culpable for the actions of their progenitors. The Vanir, in turn, referred to the power they wielded as "Witchcraft," a term they adopted to signify the unique abilities derived from their celestial origins. Refer to The Original Sin Of The Archons And The Emergence Of Witchcraft In Vanaheimr for more information.

Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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