The Original Sin Of The Archons And The Emergence Of Witchcraft In Vanaheimr

Celestial / Cosmic


The Archons were a subservient race of entities, specially engineered by El-Shinra with the purpose of establishing the fundamental infrastructure of the Realms of Yggdrasil. Their responsibilities encompassed the creation of these realms, the forging of celestial bodies such as stars, the construction of planets, and the precise arrangement of the atomic structure for all manner of beings. Once their foundational work was completed, the Archons assumed the duty of maintaining these Realms, diligently attending to tasks such as repairing aging realms, reigniting fading stars, expanding landmasses, and regulating the climate.

However, not all Archons adhered to their assigned duties. A specific contingent of Archons entrusted with the upkeep of the Realm Vanaheim failed to fulfill their obligations and instead chose to transgress their given commands. These Archons engaged in relationships with mortal women, the inhabitants of Vanir, ultimately forming unions with them. The consequences of this unholy amalgamation resulted in the emergence of a distinct class of Vanir, beings who exhibited traits closer to divinity than humanity. These exceptional Vanir acquired the capacity to harness the Emotional Matrix, enabling them to wield the Aesoteric Flame of Absolution as a formidable power.
Upon discovery of this sinful act, the Archangel St. Michael and the Lightbringer Lucifer took decisive action, purging the errant Company of Archons responsible for these transgressions. Remarkably, El-Shinra, in exercising forbearance, spared the Vanir from annihilation as they were not culpable for the actions of their progenitors. The Vanir, in turn, referred to the power they wielded as "Witchcraft," a term they adopted to signify the unique abilities derived from their celestial origins.

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