The Origin Of The First Men & The First Wife Of Ursama-Adam

Celestial / Cosmic


In Miðgarðr, Talos, the First Name of God, created a planet at the center of the universe and named it High Garden, on this planet he created a race of beings in his own image and thus the First Men were born. They were Adam and Lilith, man and woman. But there was discord in the Garden, Adam bowed whenever his God was near but Lilith would not, she refused to submit to his authority. Lilith spoke the 7 Words of Existence and departed from High Garden forever. Talos would make another wife for Adam, Eve, who faithfully obeyed her divine Lord's commands. And thus Talos said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the universe and subdue it. Rule over the stars in the cosmic sea, and over the myriad lifeforms that traverse the galaxies", and thus they did.

Ursama-Adam and Yrsama-Eve created the First Men who would form The House of Zion and The Holy Tree Ministry and eventually The Imperium of Miðgarðr.

Related timelines & articles
The Primary Record
The Imperium of Miðgarðr Records (article)