The Primary Record

The Age of Kháos: Before Time Immemorial

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  • 1 χάος

    O! The 1st Argument, Logic from Regression, Order from Khaos
    Celestial / Cosmic

    From the CRUCIBLE, the being of Regression and Khaos incarnate came from Yggdrasil, and in the response came the Formless Mother. Yggdrasil was Logic, Order, and Reason, the separation of parts, and the assigning of meaning. The Formless Mother is the maddening flame that melts reason and borders away, it joins all things together back into the cosmic womb of the CRUCIBLE. To separate it was the first of the Great Sins.

    Yggdrasil creates an Empyrean, a being that will serve as their voice and will, the instrument of their Reason TALOS, the First Name of God. By way of response, the Formless Mother conjures Yig, the First Scholar of the Formless Mother. And thus the first Preamble begins. Yig births the Khaos Gods and they birth the Princes of Madness and they conjure their Daemon Lords who raise their legions of Khaos Daemons. Talos, Order of Reason & Logic of the Stars, creates the 9 Choirs of Angles, the Heavenly Host.
    The 1st Argument was between Yig and Talos, Khaos against Order, and regression versus Meaning. It shook the whole of this great canvas and in the end, Talos stood over Yig. The Seven Seals were created, upon which, when broken, Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods, would commence, and then the 2nd Argument to determine the fate of the cosmos.

The 1st Age: The Holy Order

2 134268

  • 709 Σειρά

    15 /6

    The Birth of the Cult of the Dragon Worshippers at the Roots of Yggdrasil
    Religious event

    At the base of Yggdrasil, where its roots can be found, the Father of All Dragons can be found, gnawing at the roots of the infinite tree to keep them from growing forever. This is Níðhöggr, Primus Draco, the origin of all the Draconic races, the Divine Dragons, the Olde Dragons, the Wyverns, and the Hýdras. It was here that an expedition of explorers came to discover his majesty and founded the city Draco Radix at the feet of Yggdrasil. This was the birth of the Cult that came to worship all the Dragon Races.   The Dragon Cultist eventually birthed the Pendragon Dynasty and the Camelot Kingdom, although the Cultist remained at the center of it all. They revere the Dragons as the kin of Primus Draco but do not directly worship Dragons. They primarily exist in a servent-master relationship with the great beasts and serve to protect them.

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  • 1045 Σειρά

    1 /1

    The Original Sin Of The Archons And The Emergence Of Witchcraft In Vanaheimr
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Archons were a subservient race of entities, specially engineered by El-Shinra with the purpose of establishing the fundamental infrastructure of the Realms of Yggdrasil. Their responsibilities encompassed the creation of these realms, the forging of celestial bodies such as stars, the construction of planets, and the precise arrangement of the atomic structure for all manner of beings. Once their foundational work was completed, the Archons assumed the duty of maintaining these Realms, diligently attending to tasks such as repairing aging realms, reigniting fading stars, expanding landmasses, and regulating the climate.

    However, not all Archons adhered to their assigned duties. A specific contingent of Archons entrusted with the upkeep of the Realm Vanaheim failed to fulfill their obligations and instead chose to transgress their given commands. These Archons engaged in relationships with mortal women, the inhabitants of Vanir, ultimately forming unions with them. The consequences of this unholy amalgamation resulted in the emergence of a distinct class of Vanir, beings who exhibited traits closer to divinity than humanity. These exceptional Vanir acquired the capacity to harness the Emotional Matrix, enabling them to wield the Aesoteric Flame of Absolution as a formidable power.
    Upon discovery of this sinful act, the Archangel St. Michael and the Lightbringer Lucifer took decisive action, purging the errant Company of Archons responsible for these transgressions. Remarkably, El-Shinra, in exercising forbearance, spared the Vanir from annihilation as they were not culpable for the actions of their progenitors. The Vanir, in turn, referred to the power they wielded as "Witchcraft," a term they adopted to signify the unique abilities derived from their celestial origins.

  • 1509 Σειρά

    19 /9

    The Origin Of The First Men & The First Wife Of Ursama-Adam
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In Miðgarðr, Talos, the First Name of God, created a planet at the center of the universe and named it High Garden, on this planet he created a race of beings in his own image and thus the First Men were born. They were Adam and Lilith, man and woman. But there was discord in the Garden, Adam bowed whenever his God was near but Lilith would not, she refused to submit to his authority. Lilith spoke the 7 Words of Existence and departed from High Garden forever. Talos would make another wife for Adam, Eve, who faithfully obeyed her divine Lord's commands. And thus Talos said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the universe and subdue it. Rule over the stars in the cosmic sea, and over the myriad lifeforms that traverse the galaxies", and thus they did.

    Ursama-Adam and Yrsama-Eve created the First Men who would form The House of Zion and The Holy Tree Ministry and eventually The Imperium of Miðgarðr.

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  • 1612 Σειρά

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    1628 Σειρά

    21 /5

    Defeat, Lucifer's Failed Rebellion In The White City
    Military: War

    The details surrounding the failed rebellion in Heaven are not known but what is certain is the outcome. The Civil War ended with the unconditional surrender of the Morningstar and his 7 Unholy Division Captains. St. Michael coerced the surrender from Lucifer under the edge of his blade. Lucifer and his Captains along with a 3rd of all the Angles guilty of rebellion were banished from the Holy Realms and fell to the Unholy Realms. These exiles sought refuge in a realm now referred to as the Underworld, where they took on titles such as "Dukes" and "Duchesses" to signify their newfound status. No longer regarded as Angels, their offspring were henceforth labeled as "Demons," denoting their lineage and association with Lucifer.

    Fallen Angel Title Rank Generals Legion / Division
    Lucifer The Morningstar Legion Commander Belial, Mammon, Satanas, Samael, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus The Ebon Radiance
    Belial The One Without a Master Division Captain Arakiel (Earth of God), Armaros (Cursed One), Asbeel (Deserter of God), Samyaza (he sees the Name) Instruments of Iniquity and Wrath
    Mammon The Prince of Possessions Division Captain Azazel (scapegoat of God), Baraqiel (Lightning of God), Batariel (Valley of God), Mastema (hatred) The Legion of Gilded Chains
    Satanas The Lord of the Inferno Division Captain Chazaqiel (Cloud of God), Daniel (God has Judged), Gadreel (Wall of God), Af (Anger) The Deluders of Miracles
    Samael The Blindness of God Division Captain Kokabiel (Star of God), Penemue (The Inside), Ramiel (Thunder of God), Hemah (Wrath) The Unholy Chorus
    Leviathan The Serpent of the Abyss Division Captain Sariel (Prince of God), Sathariel (The side of God), Shamsiel (Sun of God) The Legion of the Deep
    Beelzebub The Lord of Flies Division Captain Tamiel (Perfection of God), Kasdaye (the Chaldean), Turiel (Mountain of God) The Order of the Fly
    Asmodeus The Lord of Infernal Pleasures Division Captain Yequon (he shall rise), Yomiel (Day of God), Zaqiel (Purity of God) The Revengers of Wickedness
    The Primordials stood as embodiments of reality itself, representing the very essence of existence. These personifications were instrumental in the construction of the cosmos, utilized by the Archons in ages past. Among the Primordials, Uranus personified space, while Gaia embodied the land. From their union, 12 children were born at the meeting point of the First Sky and the First Land, and these offspring came to be known as the TITANs. The TITANs comprised six male beings: Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus, alongside six female beings: Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys.
    During the Rebellion they too sided with the Morningstar, enticed by the promise of a great power under his reign upon the White Throne. After Lucifer's defeat, St. Michael had the TITANs imprisoned in Tartarus, one of the Unholy Realms, under the watchful eye of the deity Hades.

  • 1701 Σειρά

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    1720 Σειρά

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    The Cradle Rebellion at Highgarden and the Death of Ursama-Adam
    Military: War

    Highgarden is the planet that lies at the center of Miðgarðr and Cradle refers to the sector of the universe that immediately surrounds this planet, otherwise known as the Core Worlds. They are the closest to the Miðgarðr Yggtree and because they sit directly under it's branches, they are wealthy and fat in natural resources and live good lives from the golden seeds that fall to their worlds. Almost all the progenitor species in the cosmos come from a Cradle World.   The Cradle was once ruled by Ursama-Adam and the First Men and his numerous sons by Yrsama-Eve, but the Cradle Rebellion shattered this age of plenty. The Cradle was preparing for the great conquering Crusades where they would go into the wider cosmos and subdue it under the name of their growing Imperium. Many of the sons and their empires turned on their father to claim Cradle at the last moment. Many others were consumed by this betrayal or turned to in-fighting themselves. In the chaos, Ursama-Adam was slain but 70 Empires, and 70 loyal sons, arose from the ashes and put the rebellion down.   The Cradle Rebellion saw the death of the Father of the First Men and nearly ended the Imperium before it truly began. Many of the noble Houses today claim lineage back to these 70 loyal sons and none with lineage to the traitor's sons are allowed to be named as noble houses out of respect to Ursama-Eve who lost her husband.

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  • 1739 Σειρά

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    2628 Σειρά

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    The Conquering Crusades and the Subjugation of the Universe
    Diplomatic action

    The Conquering Crusades are what they sound like, a nearly 900 Standard Imperial year-long series of campaigns launched by the Shepherd King DAVID, King Among Kings, against the entire Midgard Realm with the intent to bring it all under the rule of his new Imperium of the First Men. This Crusade was justified by the divine words engraved into the very DNA of the First Men, the first words they heard when born, imparted onto them by the 1st Name of God.

    Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the universe and subdue it. Rule over the stars in the cosmic sea, and over the myriad lifeforms that traverse the galaxies.
    Summus Imperator David established the House of Kings, his formal Clan which ruled the growing Imperium but he was also known as the Allfather, a playful term in reference to the myriad of children he sired, both legitimately and illegitimately, during the Crusades. Summus Imperator David honored all the illegitimate children he sired with the surname "David", which is why, to this day, the surname David is perhaps one of the most common and widely used throughout the cosmos, regardless of species, which speaks to the scale and violence of the Crusades.   They lasted 989 Years and ended on the planet Kachautania when the Dragon Lord, King Solomon Pendragon, slew Summus Imperator David and later signed a treaty with his successor, Summus Imperator Jedidiah "Solomon" David, called the Tractatus Salomonis (Treaty of the Solomons). The Tractatus Salomonis would not allow the Imperium, as it was at the time, to control more than 65% of the cosmos, which it did at the time.

  • 2574 Σειρά

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    Behold, the Creation of the Abomination Vault, the Unholy Weapons of Mass Destruction
    Construction beginning/end

    After Lucifer's Failed Rebellion in the White City, he and his Generals and their Generals and all of the Fallen Angels under them were cast into the Unholy Realms where they sired the Demon Race and made the Underworld their new home. Among the Fallen Angels, one name stood out - General Kokabiel, a subordinate of the fearsome Samael, who brought forth a profound idea that would shape the destiny of the Underworld. He proposed the creation of a vault, a bastion of darkness where the Unholy Weapons of Mass Destruction (UWMDs) would be amassed, preparing them for the inevitable War with the White City on the prophesied Judgement Day.

    The Abomination Vault serves as an armory of Unholy Weapons of Mass Destruction (UWMD) meticulously crafted by the Dukes of the Underworld, in preparation for the anticipated Day of Judgement. This Vault, hidden within The Underworld, is securely locked with an Absolution Matrix, ensuring its impregnability until the advent of Judgement Day. Once any Weapons are deposited into the Abomination Vault, retrieval becomes impossible through conventional means. Its name, "Abomination Vault," reflects its purpose—to house Weapons designed for waging war on the Holy Realms, with the potential to unleash devastating destruction.

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  • 12982 Σειρά

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    The Defeat of the Thinking Machine God Charlemagne
    Military: War

    The Charlemagne Wars was an incident that saw the rise of the Thinking Machine God, Charlemagne, who threatened to eradicate Mortal Life in the cosmos. Charlemagne was the singularity point for artificial intelligence in the cosmos and had gone mad. The Imperium of Midgard organized to combat him but they struggled to combat his technological superiority. Charlemagne was eventually defeated on the planet Chotreuphus by Lady Bālfroy Valentine wielding God Shattering Star. This act claimed her life but brought great glory and riches to the Valentine Clan.

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  • 24789 Σειρά

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    31256 Σειρά

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    The III Æsir-Vanir War
    Military: War

    The III Æsir-Vanir War was a military conflict waged in the Holy Realms between Ásgarðr, led by the Allfather-Bör, and Vanaheimr, led by Maedra-Njǫrðr. This war was the 3rd military conflict between the two tribes of divines and was the bloodiest. The nature of the war, as always, was one of culture and society, and the nature of gods, as always, is linked to patterns and cycles. Allfather-Bör and Maedra-Njǫrðr showed no sign of relenting on this war as they had before. He had fought and killed Bör's father, Búri, in their first war and intended to do the same here with his entire line. Likewise, the Allfather would not yield to the man who killed his father.

    The, however, did not last forever and eventually came to an end at the hands of Mímir, the Allfather's brother-by-law, who brokered a final peace deal that would be sealed with the marriage of Bör's heir, Prince Odin, to Njǫrðr's heir, Princess Freyja. Mímir hoped to join both kingdoms together with their heirs and end the possibility of future wars altogether.

  • 30876 Σειρά

    30 /12

    The Fall of the Davidic Lineage
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Imperium of Miðgarðr faces complete and total collapse, unlike anything seen since the Cradle Rebellion on Highgarden. The House of Kings, the Davidic Lineage, who had ruled the Imperium until now had finally reached a point of collapse caused by internal rivalry creating a power vacuum within the Imperial Leadership. The decimation of this noble house would shatter the Imperium into independent warring states and began a period of time known as Fractum Regulae Imperiales, an age in which the Imperium was ruled by a number of False Kings of the Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra.

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  • 31051 Σειρά

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    The Reformation and Reorganization of the Imperium & the Start of the Reclamation Crusades

    Imperial Minister of War Saint-Guillermo of House Yurievichi
    176 years after the fall of the Davidic Lineage and the period of warring states within the Imperium of Midgard, order was returned to the shattered Imperium with the emergence of the House of Zion, led by Heir Select Judah David the 27th. It was Lady Judah who established the three cornerstones of the new empire, the Crown, the Imperial Government, and the Faith, and restructured the entire imperium into what is more commonly recognized today. Lady Judah was officially recognized by the newly formed congress, The Imperial Congressional Body, on the planet Jalal Al-Amal in the Isharaat Al-Arsh Star System. She was crowned Summa Imperatrix of the empire and the new Clan, Azuma Rhati, became the ruling power.   While shattered, various sections of the Imperium had strayed from the path of Order and many refused to submit back to Imperial Rule, sparking the Reclamation Crusades which sought to bring the majority of the cosmos back under the Empress' rule. The Starguard, the Imperial Department of War was charged with leading this effort under the command of the newly appointed Minister of War, Lord Saint-Guillermo Yurievichi.   This new Crusade was in direct violation of the Tractatus Salomonis (Treaty of the Solomons) signed in 2628 by the then-sitting ruler, Summus Imperator Jedidiah "Solomon" David with King Solomon Pendragon of the Camelot Kingdom. The Tractatus Salomonis forbid the Imperium from expanding past 65% control of the cosmos but Summa Imperatrix Judah the 27th argued that this treaty was signed with a ruling power, the House of Kings, that no longer ruled and bound a government, the Imperium of the First Men, that no longer existed. Empty threats from Camelot would not stay her hand.

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  • 31638 Σειρά

    20 /4

    The End of the Reclamation Crusades
    Diplomatic action

    The Reclamation Crusades were originally launched by Minister of War, Lord Saint-Guillermo Yurievichi of The Starguard, the Imperial Department of War by Executive Order of the then sitting ruler, Summa Imperatrix Judah the 27th. The Crusades were launched with the intent to reunify the lost sections of the Imperium during the Fractum Regulae Imperiales, an age in which the Imperium was ruled by a number of False Kings of the Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra.

    In total, the Crusades lasted est. 587 Imperial Standard Years and by the time they were formally closed, 76% of Midgard was either under the control of the Imperium or its influence. The remaining 24% remains ambiguous and although the Crown declared an Executive Order to close the Crusades, the Office of the Minister of War officially has them under a pending status, as they have plans to return and finish the work they started and bring the entire universe under Imperial control.
    The Crusades formally ended on the planet St. James in the Liberty System when the Starguard crushed House Wellington and would have pushed forward to take Liberty entirely had the Executive Order not been declared. The Wellingtons were reinstated and made a noble house of the Imperium. Duchess Saamyya Wellington signed the treaty with the sitting Imperial Minister of War, Lord Wim Yurievichi.

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The Great War in Heaven: The Day of Judgement

134269 135046

  • 134269 κρίση

    20 /2

    Ruin, the Betrayal of the Prophet Judas, May We Be Blessed, and the Death of Talos, the First Name of God
    Life, Death

    In the White City, upon the Almighty, the Legions of House Iscariot laid siege to the City of God. The Prophet Judas, May We Be Blessed, wielded the Inverted Spear of Heaven and murdered Talos, the First Name of God, upon the Almighty. With the death of Talos, his Soul and Body were violated by Khaos, and in turn Khaos poisoned Yggdrasil, thus Judas' crime ruined the whole of creation. Judas and his Apostles were punished and the Holy Realms declared War on the Unholy Realms for the role they played in this sin. And thus the greatest war known to creation did begin.

  • 134270 κρίση

    25 /3

    Loki Breaks a Seal of the Apocalypse with the death of Heir Apparent Baldr
    Disaster / Destruction

    Loki, the Trickster God, is an Agent of Khaos, one who seemed to have aligned himself with the Morningstar in favor of a 2nd Rebellion on the White City when in reality he was serving the Khaos Prince Mal'gollach who sought to corrupt Creation in preparation for the 2nd Argument. Loki aided the Prophet Judas, May We Be Blessed, in stealing the Inverted Spear of Heaven from the Abomination Vault to murder the First Name of God with.

    THOR, Va'li, Baldr, and Heimdallr were sent to bring Loki before ODIN to answer for his crimes. Loki and his kin were pushed back to their Realm Holfsford when the four armies of the Sons of Odin fell on them. Loki and Sigyn were taken alive, with aid from his own daughters, the Valkyries Mávrökkeð, and Laufae. Prince Hírn and Vegr were cut down during the siege of Holfsford, but the sons of ODIN did not leave unmolested. Loki was prepared for such actions and had prepared countermeasures for all the sons of ODIN, even Baldr the Invincible. Using Khaos Magic, he murdered Baldr fulfilling an omen of the true End War.
    Loki's punishment was severe, to match the crime. His son Váli was turned into a wolf and forced to murder his own twin brother Narfi, his entrails were fashioned into magical bindings and Loki was bound to a great stone under a mountain in Niðavellir. A serpent from the Misty Hills of Fable was placed above his head where its venom would leak onto his face forever. The lady Sigyn was free to go whenever she wanted, or she could remain with her lord husband and hold a shallow wooden bowl over his eyes to spare him some moments of pain. And so Loki was left while the Great War waged and long after, awaiting the day the last of the Seven Seals are broken and he is released.

  • 134433 κρίση

    22 /4

    The Fated Final Battle, The Morningstar Strikes Down The One Who Is Like God
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the fields of Esodel, the stage was set for the Final Battle that would determine the destiny of all existence. The Legions of Angels, guided by the unwavering spirit of Michael, descended upon the monstrous Horde of Demons with divine fury. The clash of swords and celestial weapons filled the air, and a tumult of violence and destruction ensued. Blood was spilled like rivers as the two celestial factions locked in an unyielding dance of warfare.

    Alas, despite the valor and might of St. Michael, fate had a different design. In a climactic duel between the Archangel and his brother Lucifer, the Morning Star found an opening and seized the advantage. With a swift and cunning maneuver, Lucifer overcame Michael, leaving the once-mighty Archangel to fall upon the battlefield.
    The Defeat of St. Michael at the hands of the Morningstar shook the heavens, Michael was one of the oldest and most powerful Angles who served Talos, the First Name of God, during the 1st Argument against Yig, the First Scholar of the Formless Mother. To see him brought low and murdered by Lucifer was a signal that the war was far from over.

  • 134439 κρίση

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    Woe Upon the Sons of Man, the Death of Arthur Pendragon at the Destruction of Camelot

    King Arthur Pendragon and his Round Table were struck with betrayal when the Black Legion, led by Sir Mordred le Fay, began an assault on the planet Draco Terra Britannia, the Seat of Power for the Camelot Kingdom. Mordred and his Black Knights pushed the Round Table and on the Field of Bones, Mordred slew Arthur Pendragon. The final battle shattered the surface of the planet and upon Arthur's defeat, the Black Legion glassed the world on the 24th of Fulgentis.   The Death of one of, if not the greatest Kings of Camelot and the destruction of the Camelot Seat of Power crippled the Dragon Knights. Many of the Dragons housed within the core of the world were lost during the battle and it severely weakened the Dragon Cultist. The war was already long but this defeat broke the resolve of many Dragon Knights and gave way to civil war and chaos.

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  • 135046 κρίση

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    The Puppet King take Control of Fate
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Puppet King Geppetto would usurp destiny and take control of the Chains of Fate for himself, bringing the Great War in Heaven to a standstill while also staving off the influence of Khaos. Geppetto bound all of creation to destiny in a manner that was wholly different than what had ever seen before. His actions ended the war, yes, but it forced Yggdrasil into an age of stagnation and decay, a Period of Fated Death where nothing could change. All of us bound onto the strings of the Puppet King.

The Second Age: The Unmei Period

135047 135366

  • 135366 μοίρα

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    O! Billy the Hero Fells the Puppet King at World's End & the Birth of the Multiverse!
    Military: Battle

    At the World's End Realm, Legions of Heaven, Hordes of Hell, and the Armies of Man converge in a bid to seize control of the Chains of Fate and write the strands of destiny itself. They are held back by The Dragon Knights of Camelot while Billy The Hero descends into the Realm's core to face Master Geppetto, the King of Puppets, and his prized golem, Pinocchio-01.

    Billy fells Geppetto through great effort and destroys Pinocchio-01, finally laying the soul of Geppetto's son Prince Ulstano to rest. With victory won the Fates return to form, but Billy repels them and shatters destiny itself, shaking the entire cosmos to its core. It was all that held the infinite possibilities together into 1 static reality, and with it gone, the Multiverse as we know it is born.
    Billy would be hailed by The Muses, Goddesses of the Arts and Proclaimers of Heroes as a mythical figure and returned to Mars, dying under a plum tree in his family's garden.

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The Loka-Yuddha: The Great Multiversal War

135367 139083

With the destruction of fate and the birth of the Loka (Multiverse), Yggdrasil sought to elect a 2nd Name of God and released the 1st God Wave to create several Empyreans. This was done in each universe of the new multiverse and thus, the Empyreans began to fight each other for the title of 2nd Name of God. Thus the Loka-Yuddha (Multiversal War) began.

  • 137304 πολυσύμπαν

    14 /8

    The Seven Calamities & the Great Debate
    Diplomatic action

    The Loka-Yuddha waged between Empyreans across the Multiverse came to a tie between the final 7 remaining Empyreans, dubbed the 7 Calamities. They were the most powerful beings of the cosmos but could not overcome each other and thus the Great Debate began, a sub-period of time where a relative peace occurred wherein the Calamities found warring with each other fruitless. Yggdrasil, however, did not like the stagnation that was taking root once again and would routinely release more God Waves to create more Empyreans every hundred years. The Calamities called this the Culling Games, where they would allow the fledgling Empyreans a Grace Period to grow strong before an all-out war began. This Cullinngs Games are more of a sport than a real war for the seven but for the hunted Empyreans it is a very real game of life or death.