The seven seals legendarium The Fall of the Davidic Lineage

The Fall of the Davidic Lineage

Disaster / Destruction


The Imperium of Miðgarðr faces complete and total collapse, unlike anything seen since the Cradle Rebellion on Highgarden. The House of Kings, the Davidic Lineage, who had ruled the Imperium until now had finally reached a point of collapse caused by internal rivalry creating a power vacuum within the Imperial Leadership. The decimation of this noble house would shatter the Imperium into independent warring states and began a period of time known as Fractum Regulae Imperiales, an age in which the Imperium was ruled by a number of False Kings of the Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra.

Related timelines & articles
The Primary Record
The Imperium of Miðgarðr Records (article)