The Death of God and the End of the Golden Age

Disaster / Destruction


In the Holy Multiverse, in the Realm of Heaven, the traitor Apostle Lord Judas, corrupted by Khaos, brought the Inverted Spear of Heaven against the flesh of God and impaled him upon the Almighty Throne of Creation. The Spear was a weapon of entropy and killed God eternally forever, seeping into Yggdrasil, killing the world tree and all of creation, forevermore. Order was sullied.
  Creation was undone and war was to follow. Judas was set upon by St. Peter, flaming blade in hand, and smote him in that holy land. Lord Peter found death too easy for Judas returned him to life, and cursed him with immortality. The kind of immortality that forced the body to persist long after the mind withered away until he would be nothing but a mindless shell of his former self. A Husk. This Husk Curse was laid on Judas, on his sons and daughters, and their sons and daughters, forevermore until God was laid to rest.

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