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Chromatic Dragon

The Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White Dragons represent the evil side of Dragonkind . Aggressive, gluttonous, and vain, chromatic dragons are dark sages and powerful tyrants feared by all creatures-including each other.   Tiamat the Dragon Queen is the chief deity of evil dragonkind, and its source. As their creator, her greed and ambition infect every chromatic dragon like a virus. What is described below is the average chromatic dragon, but they are individual creatures. Each will vary wildly, and good chromatic dragons exist, and in fact can be champions of light and good due to their constant struggle with their darker sides.   Most chromatic dragons lust after treasure, and this greed colors their every scheme and plot. They believe that the world's wealth belongs to them by right, and many chromatic dragon seizes that wealth without regard for the humanoids and other creatures that have "stolen" it. With its piles of coins, gleaming gems, and magic items, a dragon's hoard is the stuff of legend. However, most chromatic dragons have no interest in commerce, amassing wealth for the purpose of powering their magic.   Chromatic dragons are united by their sense of superiority, believing themselves the most powerful and worthy of all mortal creatures. When they interact with other creatures, it is only to further their own interests. Most believe in their innate right to rule, and this belief is the cornerstone of many chromatic dragon's personality and worldview. Trying to humble a chromatic dragon is like trying to convince the wind to stop blowing. To these creatures, humanoids are animals, fit to serve as prey or beasts of burden, and wholly unworthy of respect.   Most chromatic dragon lairs are hidden in dangerous and remote locations to prevent all but the most audacious mortals from reaching them. A black dragon might lair in the heart of a vast swamp, while a red dragon might claim the caldera of an active volcano. In addition to the natural defenses of their lairs, powerful chromatic dragons use magical guardians, traps, and subservient creatures to protect their treasures.


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