A Fool's Guide to The Fey


To give layman the tools they need to successfully navigate the Faerie plane and interactions with it's denizens.

Document Structure


The book references the past adventures of it's prolific author, studies of the planes by other researchers, and the firsthand accounts of Fey and Feylost individuals.

Historical Details


The author was regarded as a renown poet and explorer who penned many texts of her adventures. This tome caused quite a stir as no one expected the daughter of a noble house to release a book so targeted towards "layman".

Public Reaction

Some argued with Faena's findings, though most knowledgeable folk found them to be useful and well researched. It became a cornerstone of many school educations in areas which saw overlap with the Faerie plane.


The eventual discovery that Faena was, in fact, a changeling imposter rocked the Springsong family, those connected to them, and even readers of this tome. In many places it became regarded as an embarrassment and was burnt in droves. Though many places still teach its contents they are often quick to inform their pupils of the author's dark deeds.
Guide, Generic
Authoring Date


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