The Feywild


An echo of the geography of the material plane, wilder as the name implies. Suffused with the magic and wild emotions of the Fey, the planes geography reflects this greatly, giving birth to beautiful rolling vistas and shadowy glades. The realm is split into "Domains of Delight", places where the reigning Archfeys mind and magic determine its shape and properties. While there is great variety it is always to an extreme: The sun is brighter, and the shadows ever darker.   Navigation works differently here as well. The cardinal directions do not exist. Time and distance in the Feywild are mutable, as is the plane’s geography. Roads are uncommon, and those that exist are as likely to change as the land around them. Because the distance between locations is not fixed and dilations in time are comomonplace, a journey that took one hour yesterday might take three days tomorrow. Feywild natives are accustomed to the plane’s mutability. For them, it’s no more peculiar than the sun rising and setting on a Material Plane world.    But simply walking isn't all, one must perform certain rituals depending on the area: the singing of a song, holding a feather to the sun, or dancing backwards on top of a mushroom to find the path to their destination, who's distance to them depends not on traditional geographic distance, but on the effectiveness of the traveler.


Similar logic to its geography, acting like an exaggerated reflection of the mortal plane. Plants often speak and animate themselves, varying in sapience. Animals come in wild shapes and sizes, and almost any creature birthed from or in the Feywild will have some sort of inclination to magic.

Localized Phenomena

Fey sparks, magic storms, wild magic zones, swearing grass, and more are all normal parts of life in the Fey's realm, varying greatly by domain and circumstance.    Spells that manifest one way in the Material Plane might do so differently in the Feywild. A magic missile spell might take the form of a giggling sprite that materializes next to the caster, fires off a barrage of tiny, glowing arrows, and disappears in a puff of sparkling fairy dust.


The climate and weather can be quite unpredictable at times. Great dramas will appear and play out into the skies, giant snowflakes float down from clear skies, and wind can whip up strong enough to carry away those unprepared for it.

Fauna & Flora

The Feywild was home to unique varieties of plant life, including various fungi that held supernatural properties. Notable among these were eldercaps, Executioner's Hoods, and hummingbrellas. Animals born or created from magic are common, with the notorious Owlbear often rumored to originate from the plane.


There are many a tale of how the Feywild was created, most claiming it to be the will of Corellon, Progenitor God of magic, beauty, and the Fey. These accounts differ, but it is widely agreed that the first of the Fey courts were Corellon's Seldarine: The God's children who were brought to near deific status after Lolth betrayed them and was banished.   Most but not all fey served one of two of these godlike archfey queens, Titania the Summer Queen or the Queen of Air and Darkness, who shared an ancient and bitter rivalry due to their contradictory ways. As the oldest of their family they rule their courts with the other Seldarine below them. Seelie Fey are more industrious, value protocol, and uphold traditions. Unseelie Fey indulge their whims, abhor adherence to protocol, and shun conformity. The two groups are not opposites morally or ethically; good and evil Fey can be found in both, though many mortals regard the Seelie as the "good" Fey. Seelie and Unseelie Fey gather in courts. The Seelie court is called the Summer Court, and the Unseelie court is called the Gloaming Court. Both courts stretch to the far corners of the Feywild, so their representatives can be encountered almost anywhere on this plane of existence. The Summer Court and the Gloaming Court are by no means the only great Fey courts, but they’re the most well known to creatures on the Material Plane and the most widespread. While much of the planes early history is lost to time, innumerable Fey pursued these two paths, which became the two courts, and there have been squabbles between them ever since.   Overtime it seems that alligences have shifted, and many domains have gone independent.


Lost wanderers, visitors looking for a merry time, mortals with Fey blood exploring their roots, and those in search of the mystic powers of the Fey, for a deal or something else entirely.
Alternative Name(s)
The Plain of The Fey, Realm of The Faerie, Faerie
Plane of Existence
Inhabiting Species


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