
Basic Information


A mandrake is the root of a plant, with long and grasping roots and a top which resembles an eery humanoid face.

Ecology and Habitats

Mandrakes grow in places of misery and bloodshed, often popping up in hunting grounds, old battlefields, and the lairs of violent creatures who know how to handle them.


The Mandrake seems as still as any other plant, but reacts violently when tugged from it's roots. They loose an inhuman bowl when pulled which is capable of stunning, damaging, and even killing those around it.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Mandrakes are used in a variety of poisons and potions, with some even crafting them into tailsmen. Those that know how to handle them or are immune to it's effects often tend to Mandrake gardens, at times even feeding the plants corpses of their kills.
Geographic Distribution


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