
The Song Dragon Melodia

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sinuous yet muscular, in both forms, muscled like a large cat.

Facial Features

Humanoid Form: Possesses a small and round nose, a slim face, rounded long ears, and thin lips obscuring sharp pearly white teeth.   Dragonic Form: A small, sharp nose rests on the end of a long and slim snout. Sharp frills fan out from the sides of her mighty jaw, and her large green eyes light with an eerie glow, extending up her two long backwards horns. Much of her face and body is adorned with ornate jewelry of various makes and gems.

Special abilities

At will casting, shapeshifting, immense physical prowess, and the hallmark abilities of a Copper Dragon: A fearsome Acid breath, a gaseous Slowing Breath, and fast flight.

Apparel & Accessories

A simple but iridescent blue dress, a golden gem laden clasp around her neck, and a sash tied around her waist. Wears a holy symbol of Luna, as well as multiple piercings across her face and ears.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

No one can claim to know Melodia personally, but many have heard tell of the benevolent Dragon of Lunathros. Early folktales and ballads speak of those attacked by monsters or brigands being run off by a fearsome Copper Dragon, adult in size. She used magic in tandem with ferocious physical attacks, often dispatching her foe before they could so much as respond. She would then fly away without a word, harmonious singing trailing in the air around her. Those who heard her voice knew then what to call her: The Song Dragon.

Intellectual Characteristics

Melodia appears to be quite intelligent and cunning, using her natural magic and physical abilities to adapt to various combat scenarios as well as remain undetected by the wider public for generations.

Personality Characteristics


Seemingly to protect the Church's buried secrets.


Contacts & Relations

Works alongside followers of Luna.

Religious Views

Presumably follows the tenets of the Twilit Hare.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic and cunning enough to pass off as a humanoid for many years.


Tends to snake her neck back and forth while speaking in both forms.


Speaks with a high and beautiful voice, often in a sort of sing song tone.

A fearsome and cunning foe, Melodia has protected the Hare for centuries. Mysteriously she seems to serve Luna, standing to oppose the Scapegoat's attempts at revealing buried truths.

Current Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Protecting the Hare's alliance with Drathia
Current Residence
A bright, iridescent blue, with sleek silted eyes. They glow green when she commands her magic
Black and buzzed with intricate patterns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A dark, shining brown color with symmetrical blemishes down the sides of her chin
The Twilit Hare
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Elvish, Dwarvish.

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