Church of The Twilit Hare


The head of the Church is called the Listener, appointed through diligent study and worship. They delegate deities to those below them: People such as dedicated priests, knights and rogues of the church, sages, and more.


Cleverness, family, and strength in numbers are greatly valued by followers of Luna. These can be seen reflected in their way of life, with every child receiving education through the church's dedicated schools. When traveling they never go alone and when a fight is unavoidable they make use of poisons and guerilla tactics to get an edge in combat. Curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, and a playful nature were all things expressed by Luna and emulated by her clergy. Though, as the years passed, things have changed. With the colonization Moonbright became something of a hub town. Many Hare were pushed to tunneling and other pursuits, and a cultural divide now exists between those who accepted this transition and those who have not.   Those who lean to the way of knowledge value the way things have changed, with many new opportunities ahead of them, and the town and area around them safer than ever, especially from Lycans, though they have their doubts about the Seekers (especially what they may be hiding) and their ways, the advances brought by them are quite valuable. Those who more closely value  among their followers believe these changes betray Luna's teachings and yearn to return to more natural lives, resenting Drathia's influence on Hare society and the impact it's had.

Public Agenda

The protection of the Hare, paticularly in the field's concerning Luna's domains.


Formed shortly after Luna's ascension to godhood, becoming a strong fixture of the community since, providing support and guidance, nurturing the growth of the town and it's people. Though in recent years the people have seemingly come to appreciate it less due to Drathian colonization.

Mythology & Lore

Luna was once a ordinary rabbit, pursued by predators all around, among them Malar's favored servants, Lycans and ordinary animals alike. The chase eventually brought them to what would become Lunathros, where Luna found herself bathed in the light of the full moon. In the end Luna was blessed by her radiance, being given the power of a god and a lesson: "All the world will be your enemy, Queen with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..." With her gifted powers and newfound wisdom she blessed her people, Hare with long legs for running and Rabbits with the strength to dig to safety. She taught them strength in cleverness and family, leading them to burrow across the land. Her deeds in leading her people led her in time to ascend to Godhood, leaving her people behind, but never alone under her moon.   Twin Moon believers believe that Luna was blessed directly by Sehanine herself, who drove off Malar and gave Luna a chance at a greater life. Some even going so far as to say that when Luna left it was to join the Moonweaver.

Divine Origins

Developed by Luna's trusted inner circle and allies, who devised the best ways to serve her and her flock after her ascension. Many of the clergymen of the church are descended from this inner circle, carrying their families sacred duty on their shoulders. Many of these practices reflect the attitudes and behavior of a scared and young people, hunted at all sides, and as such they are strictly traditional, though this has shifted in recent times.

Cosmological Views

Most believe in the general idea that the Preginitor Gods created the world from primordial chaos, as is widely accepted.

Tenets of Faith

  • Knowledge is key, and knowledge is power. One should always remain observant, eyes and ears open, ready to learn from the land and the people around them to remain the best one can be. To stagnate is to die. Curiosity is to be welcomed, encouraged, and indulged. No question is a stupid one.
  • The Hare are a species with enemies at all sides: This is a fact that must be acknowledged and always approached with a level of clarity, though one is not to let it bring them down.
  • Craft and trade are to be respected an example of the value of knowledge and diligence.
  • Keep your head low to the ground and remain humble, a loud Hare is an endangered one, and a cocky Hare is surely a dead one.
  • Nature is to be respected and feared, for it is both the arbiter of life and death, as such is the darkness which may only be pierced with bright moonlight.


The highest ranking priest, known as the listener, is appointed through ardent study and worship, advancing their already present clerical powers to a higher form. They delegate the orders below them, dedicated to different facets of Luna's domains. They wear vestments quite similar to those warn by Luna's inner circle centuries ago, and a bevy of crafted jewelry, incorporating Luna's symbol.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerical magics of Luna's domains, as well as a lucky few blessed with Lunar Sorcery under certain conditions. Certain Fey mutations are also believed to be granted by Luna or her son.


The Twin Moon Conspirators are the most notorious sect of Luna's flock, believing Luna to have been blessed by Sehanine the Moonweaver, and thus they worship her in tandem with Luna. Some even suggest that proof of this knowledge has been hidden from the public. Naturally this is all seen as heresy and the sect are labeled heretics, unallowed to parlay with the main body of the church. Both worshippers of the Moonweaver and the skeptical of authority have flocked to them, boosting their numbers in recent times.
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Church of Luna
Notable Members
Related Species


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