

Once a tight knit group of Moonbright's most skilled warriors, dedicated to protecting the Hare from predators of the natural world. Many of it's members onced echoed Luna's views, though not every one of them followed her. Members came from every walk of life though had many similarities: Survivability, appreciation or connection towards nature, and a willingness to do what must be done. Now has become much looser and varied, with many members claiming a shallower connection to the land and working with the Silver Flame, while a few others hold to different values, planning to rebel against the state of things.

Public Agenda

Protection, guidance, and


A large headquarters,


Formed shortly after the Hare's creation, the guild served as protectors of the people and explorers of the wild. For years they were highly coveted and valuable to the Hare as a whole, often assisting the church as well. Many defected during the war and perished to the violence, and those that survived went into hiding to avoid punishment. With few original members left the guild was left a shadow of it's former self, and accepted new members, many being Drathian settlers. Thus the guild became more inclined to freelancing and many in it often do work for the empire, scouting ahead of the Seeker army to uncharted territory.
Founding Date
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species


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