
Basic Information


Rabbit and Harelike humanoids, possessing the fur, limbs, and ears of their animal heritage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Harefolk reach maturity at the age of ten and usually live until near their sixties. The effects of aging mirror those of most humanoid species, including the greying of hair and fur.

Ecology and Habitats

Most Harefolk society lived inside burrows underneath the ground, often connecting into underground systems. Though with the union of Hare and Drathian society many have moved to living in aboveground houses, some even built into the walls of their great hill.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Harefolk are a vegitarian people, seeking instead to rely on farm grown crops and traded goods. Those that do hunt do it for the sport or trade.

Biological Cycle

They tend to spend even more time in their dens during the winter, storing food in preparation for the time they will not be able to farm.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptionally sensitive hearing that allows for increased awareness of their environment whilst overland or under it.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

First names tend to be similar to common names, while last names are often flowers or other nature based elements.

Major Organizations

Church of Luna, Burrowdown Bakers, Under Scrolls agency, The Tunnelers, ect.

Common Dress Code

Most dress casually for comfort and ease of movement, lacking shoes and typically lighter as their fur insulates them well against the cold. When armor is necessary it is often of the lighter variety.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Hare as a people hold a particular set of values dear: Cleverness, family, and strength in numbers. These can be seen reflected in their way of life, with every child receiving education through the church and dedicated teachers. When traveling they never go alone and when a fight is unavoidable they make use of poisons and guerilla tactics to get an edge in combat. Curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, and a playful nature were all things expressed by the Hare. Though, as the years passed, things changed. With the union of Drathia Moonbright became something of a hub town. Many Hare became traders and a bit of a cultural divide now exists between those who accepted this transition and those who have not.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Prayer before and during harvest. 


Legend says that the Harefolk came about after an ordinary rabbit ran to what would become Lunathros, fleeing with her kind in tow. She was pursued by the Beast Lord Malar and his servants, quickly running out of time. She ended up stopping into the night, staring into the sky and meeting the gaze of the moon. Here the rabbit was endowed with a greater knowledge of the world, gaining a great understanding. She felt these words reverberate in her head: “All the world will be your enemy, Princess with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, princess with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.” She, with this knowledge, blessed her cousins with a different physique that promoted running, creating the first Hare. She gave them greater, humanoid forms and taught them valuable lessons: She taught them to value cleverness, strength in numbers, and the bonds of family. They made homes all around the continent, and the first rabbit, dubbed Luna, ascended to Godhood as a result of her deads, leading and inspiring her people. The Hare lived peaceful lives for many years, connecting with nature and their neighbors. Most Harefolk abstained from the war, marking a turning point in their philosophy, as well as their union with the Drathian Empire. Over time most Hare and many Drathians came to reside in Moonbright, becoming a trading hub, with many residents using their natural talents to run shipments all around the continent.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

A mostly harmonious relationship with Drathians, though there is strife amongst the more extreme elements of the two. The Hare once had a good relationship with the Gnomes, even often living together, though communication has ceased in the last century, presumably for the safety of both sides. Lycanthropes are reviled, viewed as the penultimate predator of their kind and a dark legend in their history.


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