The Frostmaiden Auril

The Frostmaiden Auril

Auril the Frostmaiden is a neutral evil lesser god of cold indifference who embodies winter's cruelty. Auril's beloved ice grasps all things in her clutches, preserving them against the ravages of time. She hoards beauty in all forms, from art objects and flowers to skilled artisans and their wondrous works, freezing them in magical ice for her pleasure alone.

Divine Domains

Nature, Tempest, Frost


The Codicil of White, a holy book containing Auril's tenants and other lore, as well as a poem capable of cracking the Reghed Glacier.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A six pointed snowflake.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

her first form, Auril appears as a hunched, 7-foot-tall biped with the head of a snowy owl, black talons, cloven hooves, and grayish-white wolf fur covering her body from the neck down. Protruding from her feathery owl's head is a pair of curved goat horns. A cloak and cowl made of pristine white snow conceals much of her tripartite form, which her worshipers refer to as the Cold Crone.   Auril's second form, known to her worshipers as Lady Icekiss or the Brittle Maiden, is that of a 10-foot-tall woman of fearsome aspect made entirely of ice and frost. Her eyes burn with a cold blue light, and a thin cloak of mist forms around her. Blades of ice grow out of her body at odd angles, breaking off before they get too long. When she moves, her body crackles.   Auril's third form, called Winter's Womb or the Queen of Frozen Tears by her most ardent followers, is a 3-foot-diameter ice diamond containing the god's divine spark. The diamond has facets and a sharp point at the bottom. It hovers in the air, radiating intense cold all around it.   Casting such great magic night after night while also granting spells to her devoted followers leaves Auril weak and vulnerable. In her self-inflicted weakened state, Auril is inclined to be cautious and avoid contact with other creatures that can harm her.

Special abilities

In her current weakened state, Auril can assume three different forms. To destroy her, one must reduce each of her forms to death, one after another. After she's defeated in her third and final form, Auril dies. As long as she has mortal followers who worship her, however, Auril is reborn at full strength during the next winter solstice, with divine power far beyond what is reflected in her current forms. After finishing a long rest, Auril regains any of her forms that were destroyed, provided at least one form survives. When she transitions from one form to another, she loses all the traits and actions of the old form and gains those of the new form.   Auril's "Cold Crone" form can fly at will. She is immune to cold and poison effects but weak to radiant attacks. She can innately cast Chromatic Orb, Detect Magic, and Misty Step at will. She can cast Detect Thoughts, Control Weather, and Ice Storm twice a day. Her melee attacks can inflict cold damage and force to make a save, becoming unable to take reactions if they fail.   Her "Brittle Maiden" form can create ice weaponry at will,with a preference for morningstars and darts. Once per rest she can loose a cone of cold 60 feet across. She can create three Ice Mephits per day and cause them to explode in a shower of ice shards. She is vulnerable to fire, as is her Stasis Crystal, an ability that can trap one in a damaging extra planar space difficult to escape from. It must be destroyed with fire to free them unless they are capable of freeing themselves.   Auril's "Queen of Frozen Tears" form is her strongest by far. Every creature within ten feet is damaged by the cold storm which rages from her core. She can fly and hover and is vulnerable to thunder damage. She can blast cold at a far range and she can conjure an obscuring blizzard centered on herself by concentrating.    In any case Auril cannot be surprised. She possesses both Blindsight and Truesight, at will teleportation to any part of her island, awareness of every creature on it, and resistance against magical effects.

Apparel & Accessories

Auril's snowy cloak can transform into powerful wings, allowing her flight at a moments notice.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Auril was aligned with the gods Talos, Umberlee, and Malar. Together they wrought terrible destruction, inspiring fear that compelled tribute to hold their power at bay. Umberlee, queen of the wrathful sea, grew to despise the enduring nature of the ice and snow Auril created. Umberlee seethed when Auril's frigid cold transformed her chaotic, unpredictable tides into rigid, motionless sheets of ice. Umberlee brought Talos and Malar into an alliance against Auril, who retreated to the coldest corner of the mortal plane escape their fury. After a time, plunged it into frigid darkness using her magic, flying high into the sky every night on her pet Roc, and weaving her spell until the early hours of the morning.

Personality Characteristics


Auril wants the entirety of the Dale frozen. She sees this as the right way, the way the world should be, a sterile beauty for her eyes alone.

Vices & Personality flaws

Auril is overconfident and haughty, prone to underestimating mortal foes despite her weakened state. She rarely speaks and spends all her days in solitude, only allowing her most ardent worshippers to attend her. As the embodiment of winter's cruelty, she is incapable of showing mercy or compassion, and will not bow to any mortal's demands.

The enigmatic lesser deity of winter and cold ,bringer of storms and the queen of frozen tears. For three years she has menaced the region of the Icewind Dale, casting it into an eternal winter for reasons known only to her most devout worshippers.

Current Location
Amid the Sea of Moving Ice
View Character Profile
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Lairing upon the Island of Solstice
Current Location
Current Residence
Commonly depicted as yellow or blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations


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