The Island of Solstice


The island of Solstice is shaped like a snowflake, with six jagged arms that protrude out into the sea. It's a windswept place made primarily of snow and ice, flat plains dotted with ruins and frozen corpses. The isle shifts through the sea at Auril's command, making it difficult to reach. The island, its surface features, and all creatures and objects out to a distance of 200 feet from the island are lightly obscured by fog.


The island is primarily populated by servants and favored creatures of Auril that can survive the supernatural cold. Most are content to function as they might normally, though they remain attuned to Auril's mood and commands as long as she dwells on the island.

Localized Phenomena

Thick fog fills the air beginning 200 feet from the island and extending outward for 1 mile in all directions; anything on the water or in the air within this thick fog is heavily obscured. Additionally, creatures who lack resistance or immunity to cold will find it harder to heal and resist the sheer cold of the island (In gameplay terms: The save DC to resist the effects of extreme cold is 15 instead of 10. Whenever a creature that lacks resistance or immunity to cold damage spends a Hit Die to regain hit points within 1 mile of the island, it regains only a number of hit points equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 0). It doesn't get to roll the die.)


The island is constantly a sheer and supernatural cold which few creatures can withstand. It's blizzards are similarly fierer than normal, testing the strength of any who dwell for too long.


Auril the Frostmaiden has retreated to a floating island of ice and snow and turned a skull-shaped fortress formerly occupied by frost giant Queen Vassavicken into her abode. Her presence makes the island the most frigid place in the Far North. The cold is unbearable for many visitors, whose corpses become part of the island's frozen decor, including the small army which attempted to resist Auril's arrival years ago.


Aurillian faithful are some of the few humanoids to make the trip to the island and survive, and even fewer obtain audience with her.
Characters in Location


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