The Scholar's Guild


The guild accepts both volunteers and dedicated employees who may take on a number of roles such as: scribes, illustrators, binders, and more. A leader is elected by democratic process to keep order and direct projects for the guild at large, including organizing their festival activities.


An intellectual organization that prides itself on lending it's assistance to the rest of the world and preserving knowledge, playing a neutral but helpful role in society. Some within may be stuck up but most understand the collection of knowledge is the serve "The golden goal", a greater understanding of life and it's many facets to the benefit of those who live in it.

Public Agenda

Serves spread and safeguard knowledge, making it accessible to the people and insuring that history and records are preserved.


Gold via donation and taxation, a large combined library and guild base, tools, and a veritable mountain of books.


Established very early in the Hares' history after the Hare discovered written language and paper making. The story goes that an early Hare was struck and began writing and copying the writing of those around him, quickly gathering an archive. These became known as the seven stacks, the first contributions to Moonbright's great library. The guild grew, quickly becoming a fixture of the community. An expansive library was established within old Moonbright and was expanded upon for years. However, not long after Drathia's collision with the Hare: disaster struck. The many tunnels connecting the library collapsed, and much of the old knowledge was lost forever, as well as the old facilities.
Founding Date
Guild, Professional
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