History of The Severed Lands

A rough history of the world as it is known now: From the dawn of the first dragon, to the sundering, and all after that.

Time of Rebuilding

0 and beyond

The current era, after the cataclysm of loss and pain known as The Primordial Sundering.

  • 0 TOR

    The First Light of The Flame
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Kyber, a draconic demon, seeks to take advantage of the vulnerable souls left to suffer in the aftermath of the Primordials Sundering. A noble warrior by the name of Tira Miron becomes the first Vessel of the Flame and drives the demon back. Though she fell in battle, Tira's soul joined with the Silver Flame, and in so doing, she became a conduit -- a voice that the all those with noble hearts  could hear.

  • 6 TOR

    The Drathian Empire
    Construction beginning/end

    The Empire of Drathia is founded, and the City of The First Flame is claimed their capital, built around the site of Tira's great battle against Kyber. Drathia begins to expand, helmed by the last of the noble house Drathia, who would become the Imperial family.

  • 1167 TOR

    The Everlasting Rime
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Frostmaiden descends upon the Icewind Dale and casts it into an eternal winter later referred to as The Everlasting Rime.

    Icewind Dale
  • 1170 TOR

    26 The Rotting

    The Great Knuck Race
    Discovery, Scientific

    A competition in the town of Bremen to catch a rare Giant Knucklehead Trout is a great success. The winner of the race is a local hero named Mara, who names the awakened beast "Vabral The Bigger Knuck" in honor of an old friend.

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