Alternative Bonus Progression

The alternative bonus progression system is a way for player characters grow exponentially more powerful at higher levels, allowing to GM more freedom with the challenges they present to the players. Player characters will receive powerful bonuses at specific levels.  
Level Bonus
3rd Resistance 1
4th Weapon Attunement 1
5th Armor Attunement 1
6th Mental Enhancement 1
7th Physical Enhancement 1
9th Resistance 2
10th Weapon Attunement 2
11th Armor Attunement 2
12th Mental Enhancement 2
13th Physical Enhancement 2
15th Resistance 3
16th Weapon Attunement 3
17th Armor Attunement 3
18th Mental Enhancement 3
19th Physical Enhancement 3
20th Legendary Trait
  Resistance At the indicated levels, the player character receives a +1 bonus to saving throws. This increases to +2 at 9th level, and +3 and 15th level.   Weapon Attunement The player can perform a 1 hour ritual to attune to a single weapon without using an attunement slot. This also gives the weapon a +1 enchantment bonus (this does not stack with any +1 enchantments it may already have). The enchantment bonus increases to +2 at 10th level, and +3 at 16th level.   Armor Attunement The player can perform a 1 hour ritual to attune to a single armor set (or article of clothing if they do not wear armor) without using an attunement slot. This also makes the armor a +1 enchantment bonus (this does not stack with any +1 enchantments it way already have). The enchantment bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 17th level.   Mental Enhancement The player character has sharpened their mental prowess through battle and quick thinking. One of the character's mental scores receives a +2 enchantment bonus. This bonus increases to +4 at 12th level along with a second +2 bonus, and +6 at 18th level along with a third +2 bonus.   Physical Enhancement The player character has grown strong by tempering their body through bloodshed and training. One of the character's physical scores receives a +2 enchantment bonus. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th level along with a second +2 bonus, and +6 at 19th level along with a third +2 bonus.   Legendary Trait The player character receives a legendary trait from the following list.   Legendary Resistance: Once per day, when you would fail a saving throw to resist an effect, you can choose to succeed instead   Legendary Regeneration: Gain fast healing 10   Legendary Spell Resistance: Gain spell resistance 10   Legendary Damage Reduction (physical): Gain DR/20 from all non magical physical damage   Legendary Damage Reduction (Energy): Gain DR/15 from 2 of the following damage types. Acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic.


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