World Codex

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The Shattered Isles Discussion Boards

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Fri, Mar 3rd 2023 07:01
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Quick Facts

The Heretic Tax
The Alyssian Empire allows for the worship of deities outside of the lawfully endorsed religion of Prophetism, but such worshipers are forced to pay an annual tax of 10gp per year.
  The Tribunal
Any and all worship of the Ascended Gods is strictly forbidden, regardless of if such worshipers pay their heretic tax.
  The Four Moons
While the moons of The Shattered Isles are revered and respected, as they are the corpses of Old Gods, their direct worship is considered to be distasteful and morbid.
  Lesser Evils
While the Veannin are considered to be the enemies of the Annin and the mortal realm, some Veannin still find themselves being worshiped by small sects. Veannin such as C'togginon and other less destructive and antagonistic Veannin are worshiped for the ideals they represent.
  Annin & Veannin
These words used to describe the deities come from the ancient primordial language. The word "Annin" is an honorific that can translate to something like "Ancestor" or "Savior" or "Benefactor". The word "Ve" is a word used to imply a negative like "no" or "not". So "Veannin" can translate to something like "Not our Ancestor".