
C'togginon is a being of incomprehensible form and indescribable appearance. Mortals who have attempted to look upon him directly have often gone mad or suffered other ill effects, as their minds were not equipped to handle the strange and otherworldly nature of his being. As a result, C'togginon is often depicted as a single eye wreathed in writhing tentacles, a form that is at least somewhat understandable to mortal sensibilities.   C'togginon is a god of forbidden knowledge, and he delights in sharing his secrets with those who are brave enough to seek him out. He has made deals with both gods and mortals alike, offering them glimpses into the forbidden realms of knowledge and magic that are hidden from mortal sight. His followers are often scholars, mages, and other seekers of knowledge, who are willing to risk their sanity and safety for a chance to learn the secrets of the universe.
  Unlike other Veannin, C'togginon no longer considers the Annin and Harbingers to be enemies. He sees the world as a valuable source of knowledge and experience, unlike the infinite and formless void that existed before the world's creation. As such, he is content to let the Annin and Harbingers fight amongst themselves, while he pursues his own goals of uncovering the secrets of the universe. Despite his seemingly benevolent nature, C'togginon is not to be trusted lightly. His knowledge comes at a great cost, and those who seek it out may find themselves bound to him in ways they did not anticipate. He is a master of manipulation and deception, and he delights in playing his followers against each other in order to further his own goals.   C'togginon's powers are centered around the manipulation of knowledge and the arcane. He can grant his followers access to ancient spells and forbidden lore, and he can twist the minds of his enemies to drive them to madness. He is also able to see into the minds of mortals and gods alike, and he uses this knowledge to his advantage in his dealings with others.   C'togginon is a being of immense power and knowledge, whose motives and goals are inscrutable to mortal minds. He is both feared and revered by those who seek his secrets, and his influence can be felt throughout the world, even as he remains aloof from the conflicts of the Annin and Harbingers.


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