
Nalchurions are a race of sentient constructs, consisting of four different sub races; Onyx, Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, and Jade. Nalchurion resemble suits of armor, no two looking exactly alike. Nalchurions do not have a gender or sex (Though they can choose to look masculine or feminine), and reproduce asexually by crafting their children from metal. It is common for a nalchurion to have two names, one birth name, and one earned name.


Ability Score Modifier: Nalchrions receive +2 Constitution and +2 Wisdom, and -2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft
Languages: Nalchurions begin play speaking common and klang
Defense: +1 natural armor
Darkvision: Darkvision 60 ft
Heart of the Forge: Profession (blacksmith) and craft (blacksmith) are always class skills and uses wisdom in place of intelligence for these skills.
Successor Inheritance: Depending on the type of nalchurion, they receive a “boon” from their creator.
Onyx- One skill that the parent has becomes a class skill for the child with a +3 inheritance bonus.
Topaz- Learn 3 languages that the parent knows.
Lapis Lazuli- Gain a +2 trait bonus to will, fortitude, or reflex saves (based on the parents highest saves).
Jade- Gain proficiency in two weapons the parent is proficient in.


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