
A race of somewhat monstrous people, often confused with those containing devil blood. They appreciate strength and intelligence, caring little for beauty and social norms. A ramerian is a humanoid that can be born with a multitude of animalistic characteristics. Some have lizard-like scales and teeth, some patches of fur and horns, and others discolored skin and devilish tails. Ramerian society is very practical, yet respectful of the world around them. Many inventors and mages come from the ramerian people, alongside great warriors and skillful tacticians.  


  Ability Score Modifier: Ramerian gain a +2 racial bonus to both Str and Int and a -2 to Cha
Size: Ramerian are medium creatures
Speed: Remerian have 30ft movement speed
Languages: Ramerian begin play knowing ramerian and common
Defense: Ramerian gain a +1 natural armor
Offense: Ramerian gains a natural attack (2 claws, bite, gore, stomp, ect). The damage for these attacks are 1d6+Str.
Specialized School: Each ramerian has a special affinity for 1 school of magic. Ramerian gain a +2 to their spell save DC when using a spell of their chosen school. Once per day, a ramerian can cast a 1st level spell of their chosen school without expending a spell slot.  


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