Sithra, Veannin Lord of Rot

Sithra, Veannin Lord of Rot, is a powerful deity of decay and disease. She is one of the few surviving Veannin, having used her formidable powers to create her own realm where she could escape the conflict with the Annin. Her realm is a dark and twisted place, filled with rotting landscapes, diseased creatures, and twisted abominations that are the result of her experiments and creations. Sithra's appearance is unsettling, even to those accustomed to the otherworldly nature of the gods. She is a humanoid figure, but her flesh is rotting away in places, revealing the bones and organs beneath. Her face is partially decayed, leaving only one eye visible, which glows with an eerie green light. Her hair is stringy and matted, and the tattered remains of a nun's garb hang loosely from her skeletal frame.   Her right arm is a grotesque mass of feathers and bone, resembling a wing that has been partially consumed by decay. She wields a spear in her left hand, crafted from a twisted and gnarled branch that has been infused with dark energy.   Sithra is rarely seen alone, as she is accompanied by her two hounds of decay, Frulth and Hrauth. These creatures are twisted, skeletal beasts that are covered in rotting fur and patches of diseased flesh. They are fiercely loyal to Sithra, and their mere presence is enough to cause sickness and decay in those nearby.   Sithra's powers are focused on the manipulation of decay and disease. She can cause living creatures to wither and rot with a single touch, and she delights in watching the slow decay of her victims. She can also create plagues and diseases that can spread rapidly, causing widespread illness and death. Her realm is a testament to her power, as everything within it is slowly rotting away.   Despite her reputation as a cruel and twisted deity, Sithra is not without her followers. Those who are drawn to the power of decay and the natural cycle of life and death often turn to her for guidance and protection. Her priesthood is small but devoted, and they carry out her will with ruthless efficiency.


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