The Ascended Gods

The Ascended Gods, also known as the Tribunal, are a unique pantheon of gods in the Shattered Isles. Unlike most deities, these gods were once mortals who found a way to ascend to godhood. This makes them different from other divine entities, as they once walked the same earth as their followers.
The Tribunal is made up of three gods: Veaat, Solvaac, and Nahtiir. Each deity represents and embodies a different aspect of the mortal soul. Veaat represents the will, Solvaac represents the mind, and Nahtiir represents the heart.   Their status as physical gods is another thing that sets them apart. While most gods reside in higher planes, the Ascended Gods exist within the mortal realm. This means that they are more accessible to their followers, and they can have a more direct impact on the world around them.   The origins of the Tribunal are shrouded in mystery. The exact process by which they ascended to godhood is unknown. However, their followers believe that it was through their dedication to the betterment of themselves and their fellow mortals that they were able to ascend.   The followers of the Tribunal are typically individuals who seek to better themselves and the world around them. They believe in the importance of a balanced mind, body, and soul, and strive to embody the ideals represented by each of the three gods. Although their worship is currently outlawed by the Alyssian Empire.   Overall, the Ascended Gods offer a unique perspective on the world of fantasy gods. Their status as former mortals who now reside in the mortal realm gives them a relatable quality that is not often found in other pantheons. Their focus on the balance of will, mind, and heart make them a popular choice for those who seek to better themselves and the world around them.


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