The Docksides

The Docksides of Leancaster are a unique and bustling part of the city, with a rich history and a lively atmosphere. As the name suggests, the district is located near the airship ports, making it a hub of activity and commerce. Despite its small size, the Docksides are densely packed with taverns, shops, and homes, giving it a vibrant and bustling energy that draws visitors from all over the city.
The buildings in the Docksides are tightly packed together, forming solid walls with no gaps, unintentionally creating a defensive barrier from possible attackers. The streets themselves are narrow and winding, with cobblestone walkways and steep staircases that lead up to the upper levels of the buildings. It's not uncommon to see laundry lines crisscrossing the alleys and rooftops, adding to the charm and character of the district.   Over time, the residents of the Docksides have adapted to the cramped living conditions by building up instead of out. An entire second layer of buildings has been constructed on top of the first, with the upper levels reserved for official business and the lower levels inhabited by a mix of rogues and criminals. Despite the reputation of the lower levels, the Docksides are generally considered safe during the day and a lively place to visit at night.   The Docksides are also home to a variety of shops, ranging from legitimate businesses to less-than-trustworthy establishments. Visitors can find everything from rare books to exotic spices to illicit goods, making it a fascinating place to explore for those with a taste for adventure. The district is also known for its lively taverns, where visitors can sample local brews and rub elbows with airship crews and other travelers.   In short, the Docksides are a unique and fascinating part of Leancaster, offering a glimpse into the city's history and a lively atmosphere that's hard to find anywhere else.


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