The Ebon Tree

The Heart of the Ever Storm

The Ebon Tree, a towering and mystical creation, stands as a beacon of awe and reverence to many of The Wildlind Tribes. Known as The Scar of the West, this arboreal wonder is shrouded in an eternal tempest that can be seen from virtually any vantage point on the continent. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, but its divine nature is undeniable. While the divine purpose of the Ebon Tree remains unknown, many believe it to be the pulsing heart of The Ever Storm. Constantly engulfed in dark clouds and riven by furious lightning, the tree inspires deep reverence and fierce protection among the tribes of The Wildlind. Despite its prehistoric age, the Ebon Tree continues to draw pilgrims from both the Orc and Arawelo peoples who seek to pay homage to its otherworldly power.   Many have tried to explore and exploit the secrets of the Ebon Tree, but the fierce determination of The Wildlind Tribes has thwarted them all. Even the mighty Alyssian Empire, known for its fearless exploration and resource gathering, has been forced to retreat in the face of the tree's protective guardians. The perilous sailing conditions wrought by the swirling storm surrounding the tree also serve as a formidable deterrent to any would-be adventurers.


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