The Fey and The Fallen

Evyrttii is a realm just beyond the boundaries of the mortal world, inhabited by two distinct groups of beings: the Fey and the Fallen. The Fey are an enigmatic and unpredictable people, known for their cruelty and capriciousness. They cannot harm mortals directly in the mortal realm but are permitted to employ trickery and seduction to lure them into Evyrttii.   Once a mortal has entered the Fey's realm, however, they become fair game for the Fey's sadistic pleasure. The Fey are bound by a mysterious set of rules that govern their society, which remains shrouded in mystery. They are ruled by powerful Fey, and their hierarchy is complex and arcane.   The origins of the Fey are unknown, and their motivations and desires are unclear. They are known for their unpredictability and fickle nature, and their cruelty is legendary. Mortals who venture too close to Evyrttii do so at their own peril, risking not only physical harm but their very souls.   The Fallen are another group of beings who inhabit Evyrttii alongside the Fey. Little is known about the Fallen, except that they are despised and feared by the Fey. The Fey speak of the Fallen in hushed tones, warning of their malevolence and cruelty. Some tales suggest that the Fey and the Fallen were once united, but some event led to their bitter division.   The Fallen are said to hunt the Fey for sport, delighting in their torment and suffering. Mortals who encounter the Fallen are even more vulnerable than those who face the Fey. The Fallen are even more mysterious and dangerous than the Fey, and their motivations remain unknown.


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