The Old Gods

The old gods were the initial entities to emerge from the World Sea , taking on the role of original creator gods who shaped a portion of the World Sea into the mortal realms. Possessing immense power, they sacrificed a considerable portion of it in the process of world-building. Some of these ancient deities eventually regretted their decision and made attempts to break the world in order to reclaim their lost power, thus transforming into the Veannin , the betrayer gods. Others chose to withdraw from the mortal realm, becoming the Outer Gods by withholding any further contribution of their power.
The gods who remained, after successfully defeating the Veannin, willingly relinquished their remaining powers to complete the creation of the world. Their physical forms were forged into celestial bodies and interred in the Astral Plane , which acted as a barrier between the mortal realm and the World Sea, serving as a protective boundary.


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