The Outer Gods

The Outer Gods are a pantheon of ancient, powerful deities that are believed to have abandoned the mortal world long ago. They are known for their chaotic nature and unpredictable behavior, often acting on whims that mortals cannot comprehend. Their motivations and intentions are shrouded in mystery, and few can claim to fully understand their true nature. Unlike the other gods, the Outer Gods are not bound by the laws of the mortal world. They exist beyond the boundaries of time and space, and their power is said to be vast and limitless. They are considered to be chaotic forces, capable of both creating and destroying on a whim.   Despite their status as cosmic beings, the Outer Gods are not indifferent to the affairs of the mortal world. They have been known to interact with mortals in strange and unpredictable ways, sometimes even gathering followers and worshippers of their own. These followers often become obsessed with their respective Outer Gods, seeking to curry favor with them and gain a measure of their immense power.   The Outer Gods are often associated with insanity and madness, as those who attempt to comprehend their true nature are often driven to the brink of sanity. They are also often associated with eldritch horror and cosmic terror, as their very existence seems to defy mortal understanding. There are exceptions of course. There are a few that care for and are benevolent towards mortals.   Overall, the Outer Gods are enigmatic and mysterious figures, feared and revered in equal measure. Their power is immense, their motives unknown, and their influence over the mortal world cannot be denied.


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