The Rainy Depths

The Rainy Depths is a remarkable body of water located in Oussia. It is named for the perpetual light rainfall over the lake, which creates a serene and calming atmosphere. This great lake is fed by an Aperture at the bottom of its lake bed, making it relatively gentle despite its size. The lake is bordered by two mountain ranges on its east and west, and a forest on its north, making it a natural barrier to land invasions for the city of Leancaster. The water of The Rainy Depths is known for its slight magical properties, as it emits a faint blue aura that can be barely visible on darker nights. The lake was once a forest before the aperture was constructed, and many ancient trees now grow out of its surface. The lakebed is very grassy, and seaweed can grow up to lengths of 400 feet at the deepest parts of the lake. Although the water is crystal clear, it is deceptively deep, ranging between 400 and 500 feet.   The Rainy Depths is home to many fascinating creatures and plants, including some that have grown up to three times larger than their normal size due to the slightly higher-than-average ambient magic. The plant life that grows in and around the lake has powerful medicinal applications.   One of the unique features of The Rainy Depths is the strange ever-present light drizzle that falls only over the lake itself, rarely stretching more than 30 feet onto the shore. This rainfall rarely develops into a full storm and does not appear to influence the wave patterns of the lake. However, on the rare occasion that a storm does occur over the lake, the lake's faint aura increases in intensity, becoming blinding if struck by lightning.


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