The Underside

The Underside, also known as the Lower City, is the lowest and most impoverished district of Dawnview, the capital of the empire. It is located at the bottom layer of the city, built on top of the bedrock and underground caves beneath the city. The district is home to the poor, destitute, and downtrodden citizens of the city who cannot afford to live in the more affluent districts.   The Underside is a stark contrast to the opulent and luxurious Topside district. The district is rife with crime, violence, and corruption, and the living conditions are abysmal. The buildings are run-down and poorly maintained, with most of them having several floors dug into the bedrock. The district is labyrinthine in nature, with narrow alleys and winding streets leading to dead-ends and hidden courtyards.   The residents of the Underside are a mix of humans and non-humans, such as goblins, kobolds, and even trolls. The empire has strict rules preventing any discrimination based on race, all are welcome to call the city home. However, due to the poverty and desperation in the Underside, crime and gangs have formed, often targeting those who are different from themselves.   The local authorities, known as the City Watch, try to maintain order in the district, but their efforts are often hampered by the criminal elements. The City Watch are corrupt and are often bought off by the gangs and crime bosses who run the district. They are often seen as part of the problem rather than the solution.   Despite the dire living conditions, the people of the Underside are a resilient and resourceful lot. They have developed their own economy, with small businesses and black markets operating in the district. Most of the residents are employed in low-paying jobs, such as dockworkers, street vendors, or factory workers. Others turn to criminal activities, such as thievery, smuggling, or drug dealing, as a means of survival.   The Underside is a place where one can find all sorts of illicit goods and services. Illegal weapons, drugs, and poisons are readily available for purchase. Gambling dens and brothels are also common, offering a means of escape from the harsh reality of life in the district.   Despite the poverty and danger of the Underside, many of its residents call it home and are fiercely loyal to the district. They see it as a community where everyone looks out for each other, and where they can find a sense of belonging that is lacking in the more affluent districts of the city.   In recent years, there have been efforts by some of the more progressive politicians in the empire to improve the living conditions in the Underside. However, these efforts have been met with resistance from the criminal elements who profit from the district's misery. It remains to be seen whether the Underside will ever rise out of poverty and become a more prosperous district of Dawnview.


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