Arms Dealer Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Arms Dealer

Arms dealers provide the instruments of death for The Duskers, the Bluecoats, and the Imperial Military alike. Loyalty is rare in this business. There are few rules. Only 1 that really matters. Don't die by your own wares.
Prestige: Arms dealers have a habit of always being there when you need them and making themselves scarce when there aren't opportunities to make a sale. Because of this, most people don't think about them until they need one.
Accoutrement: Arms Dealers will often have ready guards, secret warehouses, and plenty of tools of death.
Training: Arms dealers need connections and a deep knowledge of discrete logistic channels. It is not often a career one seeks out. Most come upon it, like a coin on the ground.


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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper


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