Tante Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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The Tantes of Doskvol are the women who run the brothels. In te past they were known as Madam's, but following the Silkshore revolution, male or mostly masculine brothel owners disappeared, and the female or non-binary brothel owners picked up the more respectable title Being a Tante is considered an honorable profession. It takes a great deal of skill, care, and business acumen to become a tante.
Prestige: As purveyors of pleasure, Tantes are generally well liked and respected. Courtesans are well taken care of in Doskvol, and they love their Tantes for it.
Accoutrement: Tantes will have a brothel, plenty of guards, and of course, courtesans.
Training: Although most of the existing Tantes were grandfathered in having been madames from before the revolution, usually Tantes come up through the ranks as previous courtesans themselves.


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Category: Professions

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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper


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