
The city of Godsend is in West Andalus and is known as a refuge by everyone who has passed through its borders. It is the only city in The Shattered Oceans whose doors are constantly open to refugees. From any part of the world, the city can be called Home by anyone who facing war, persection, or natural disaster in their birthlands. Although these policies have been heavily critiqued by nearly every other major city government in Western Andalus, and even once by the Council of the Central Tripartite, the Elders of Godsend stand firm in their beliefs, and the culture of the people, that the City remain an open Haven for all to rest and rebuild.

The city has walls built around its perimeter that stand 15ft high. It is primarily inhabited by dwarves, with a population of about 150,000 permanent residents. During war times though, the population has grown to over 500,000 residents and refugees. Because of the large fluctuation in population, the culture and society of Godsend undergoes frequent and heavy influences from other cultures of those seeking asylum within its walls.

Godsend is known as one of the greatest allies to the Andalusian Elves and is the largest trading partner to their capital. They are a very religious people, but very hospitable and welcoming to tourists and visitors of other faiths. In addition to the fact that their temples are open to worshippers of any deity, they have meeting houses built throughout the city that are open to worshippers of all walks, stocked with the robes, literature, and ritual materials from many different cultures and deities.


The City of Godsend is heavily defended. Its Outer City Walls stand 15 feet tall, with watchtowers built into the structures every 500ft. They also have another ring within the city of walls standing 10 feet tall, that act as a barrier between the Outer and Inner City.

The military enlists about 10 soldiers per 1,000 citizens and . Guards are mostly posted at the Exterior Gates of the city and outside of its walls as a proactive measure to find and eliminate threats before they enter the walls, though the different districts throughout the City are still guarded, just more lightly.

The Andalusian Elves have their own wing in the Army of Godsend, and the City of Godsend likewise has their own wing in the military of the Andalusian Elves

Industry & Trade

The largest exports from Godsend are healing tinctures and potions, herbs, and...

The largest imports are wine and other Andalusian delicacies from Eastern Andalus


The town is known for being home to practicioners of advanced healing magic and revivification.

The Library of the Arcane Faiths which keeps and archives extensive records around religion, magic, healing arts, deities, and religious practices throughout history.


The climate is temperate and cycles through the four seasons
Large city
Location under


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