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Indrebor is one of the largest and most influential cities in The Arcanum, known for its breathtaking architecture, thriving magical academies, and bustling markets. As the seat of power for House Velyndra, it is a hub of political intrigue, arcane research, and cultural exchange.


Lady Nyssara Velyndra: As the Regent of Indrebor, Lady Nyssara presides over the city with wisdom and grace. She ensures that the city’s affairs run smoothly and that its people are protected. Her leadership is marked by a balance of strict discipline and compassionate governance.
Council of Shadows: A council of advisors and influential figures from House Velyndra and other prominent families. They assist Lady Nyssara in making decisions and managing the city’s various aspects.


The Spire District: At the heart of Indrebor lies the Spire District, home to the grand towers and spires that house the city’s most powerful mages and scholars. Shadowspire Keep, the seat of House Velyndra, stands prominently here, a fortress of dark elegance and arcane might.
The Arcane Quarter: This district is dedicated to magical research and education. It hosts several prestigious academies, libraries, and laboratories where mages from across the Shattered Realms come to study and innovate.
The Market Ward: A bustling area filled with shops, stalls, and bazaars. Here, merchants sell rare magical artifacts, exotic ingredients, and enchanted items. The Market Ward is also a place where information is traded, and spies often gather intelligence.
The Garden of Shadows: A serene and mystical park within the city, filled with rare plants and enchanted flora. It serves as a place of meditation and reflection for the city’s inhabitants, particularly those of House Velyndra who seek solace in its shadows.
The Skyport: Indrebor’s skyport is a marvel of arcane engineering, where skyships dock and depart. It is a vital hub for trade and travel, connecting Indrebor to the other floating islands of the Shattered Realms.
Alternative Name(s)
The Jewel of the Arcanum
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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