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Lunar Dragon

The only dragons to inhabit the Shattered Realms are the Lunar Dragons: white scaled, blue eyed, and shimmering with a silver light. Much smaller than most dragons, they range from the size of a small dog as juveniles, to the size of pack horses as adults.   Lunar Dragons are not usually hostile, but have a generally negative attitude towards the humanoid species of the Shattered Realms. According to legends, all dragons hoarde wealth of some description, and for Lunar Dragons their wealth lies in stories. Juvenile Lunar Dragons will often perch on the rooftops of taverns, listening in to interesting stories. Adults, roaming the skies, will offer assistance to passing skyships in return for a good story. They can often be coaxed into running errands with the opening of a good story, and the promise of the tale's conclusion when the errand is complete. Juvenile Lunar Dragons have also been known to break into bookshops and libraries after closing time. They do not take anything, but will read as much as they can before being chased away, often causing a large amount of tidying and reorganising in the wake of one of their raids.   The absence of Lunar Dragons in the vicitinty of a skyship is considered a bad omen, as it means the voyage is doomed to be unsuccessful and devoid of interest.   Lunar Dragons hoard their stories and do not exchange them with other dragons lightly. On the occasion when two Lunar Dragons have heard slightly different versions of the same story, they have been known to fight to the death over which is the keeper of the "true" tale. Oral stories are always valued more than written stories, as they are unique and unable to be stolen by another Lunar Dragon.   As adult Lunar Dragons become older, they begin to develop the power to peer into the minds of other beings. This makes them much more difficult to negotiate with, as they can simply extract an individual's best stories without their consent, leaving them with nothing to offer the Lunar Dragon. A being who truly opens their mind to that of a Lunar Dragon can merge their consciousness together and forge a lifeling bond of rider and mount. Those that do become the Skyknights or Aerolithica: the elite guard of the Imperial family. The identities of both individuals are forever lost to the now merged consciousness, but the rider will make the sacrifice in order to serve their nation, and the Lunar Dragon does so in order to experience tales of adventure and heroism first-hand.   The Lunar Dragons believe in a dragon deity known as The Great Chronicler, who will grant them access to the Eternal Library after their death, as long as they have accumulated enough stories of interest to be granted access. The Great Chronicler's true name is shrouded in mystery, but it is believed that speaking his name creates a merged bond with him, killing the speaker instantly and calling them forth to the Eternal Library.
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