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Session 2: High Fields, Low Tides, Part 1

General Summary

Three months after the events at the Nexus Laboratory, the party had failed to gain any leads on Captain Varindra. The new year came around, with the group bonding over the annual Week of Renewal.
Early in the new year, the Twilight Endeavour came to dock at the small town of Skyhaven, with orders from Captain Stormwind to enjoy the annual Festival of Winds and get some much needed shoreleave. The crew were welcomed as minor celebrities, and further enhanced this image by ridding the local bookshop - The Storyteller's Spine - of a dragon wyrmling infestation.

As the evening wore on, Sparrow and Erebus visited the local tavern - The Skyward Inn - sampling some exotic imported Aether Brandy from the distant land of The Arcanum, and befriending a visiting tourist: the halfling cartographer Cassia Windrider.
Sparrow spent the night drinking with Cassia, with the pair drunkenly hitting on the idea of running the Wind Race course which the townsfolk had been setting up. Under the guise of an illicit tryst, they unstealthily left the tavern, stealing one of the Wind-Skiffs and attempting to race the intricate course.
Under the effects of the alcohol, Cassia failed to even make it airborne, while Sparrow made it a third of the way around the circuit before colliding with one of the golden hoops, and being knocked from her skiff. As she tumbled towards the expanse below, she was caught by two massive clawed hands, looking up at an adult Lunar Dragon, along with it's armoured halfling rider. This was one of the Skyknights of Aerolithica: the nation's most elite guardians.

The next morning, the crew headed into town for the festival, with most of them having departed early. The only stragglers were the helmswoman Rohesia Jolt, and the captain, who she seemed to be waiting for.

With the festival in full swing, Sparrow sought out the ship's doctor - Azanes Dwindare - in search for a hangover cure. She found Azanes in the town square, applying enchanted facepaints to local children, courtesy of the shipboard merchant, Thalun Mysticshell. Flynn joined a local band up on stage, adding to their music with his violin, while Sparrow and Erebus wandered the town. Sparrow picked up some souvenirs for her family back in Brassica, and discovered an isolated artificer's shop: Highfield's Mystical Marvels, which was closed for the festival. Erebus, uncomfortable with the wide open spaces and outgoing nature of the locals, attempted to find a place to speak to his gods Crepusculum or Mortis, but was forced to settle with the open worship hall of Aeris.

Sparrow returned to the town square for the start of the Wind Races, with a display being put on by the halfling Skyknight, and another - a female Faerie who caught Flynn's attention. As the halfling started his run of the course, a warning horn sounded from above, as a lone pirate vessel approached the town, dropping off a raiding party at one of the upper islands. A third Skyknight - taller, on a much larger dragon - appeared, and as the three of them assaulted the ship, Flynn led Sparrow and Erebus in a charge against the raiders.

The party made light work of the attackers, forcing the last survivor into surrendering as his ship burned and fell to the darkness below. As the Skyknights returned, the taller figure drove their lance through the back of the bound prisoner, showing no hesitation or remorse in the action.
Disgusted and disappointed with the display, Sparrow led Flynn back to the town square. As the halfling and faerie sought treatment for their wounds, Sparrow headed back to the tavern, seeking a drink to wash away the bitter taste of the morning's events as the festival resumed outside.


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