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Nestled on a smaller, outlying island that drifts near the edge of Aerolithica's territory, Skyhaven is a picturesque town known for its breathtaking views of the endless skies and the majestic floating islands in the distance.
Skyhaven is home to a close-knit community of around 500 residents, consisting mainly of families who have lived there for generations, along with a few adventurous souls who have settled there in search of a quieter life away from the bustling cities.
The people of Skyhaven are known for their warm hospitality and a strong sense of community. They celebrate the 'Festival of Winds' annually, a tradition that honors the spirits of the air and brings together families for a day of feasting, music, and kite flying.
While Skyhaven is generally peaceful, its location makes it susceptible to occasional sky pirate raids and the rare stray beast from the wilder regions of the skies. The town relies on a volunteer militia and the protection of Aerolithica's sky-knights, who patrol the outskirts.
Skyhaven may be small, but it's a town with a big heart, playing a vital role in the life of the Shattered Realms by connecting the grandeur of Aerolithica with the simplicity and charm of life on the edge of the sky.

Industry & Trade

The town's economy is primarily based on skyfishing, a unique trade where fishers venture into the skies to catch the exotic airborne creatures that inhabit the clouds around Aerolithica. The town also has a modest trade in crafting lightweight materials and textiles that are sought after by airship builders.

Points of interest

The Observatory: A small tower at the town's highest point, equipped with telescopes and charts for studying The Iridescence, despite the town's distance from the main light streams.


The Weavers' Market: A weekly market where local artisans sell their handcrafted goods, including woven sky silk and intricate metalwork.
The Festival of Winds: An annual tradition that honors the spirits of the air and brings together families for a day of feasting, music, and kite flying.


The architecture of Skyhaven features quaint stone cottages with thatched roofs, designed to withstand the strong winds that occasionally sweep through the area. Many homes have rooftop gardens where residents grow their own vegetables and herbs, adding a splash of greenery to the stone facades.


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