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Session 3: High Fields, Low Tides, Part 2

General Summary

Following the failed pirate raid on Skyhaven, Erebus remained atop the high island to assist the third Skyknight in disposing of the bodies. While they made no efforts to initiate conversation, they didn't seem to have any objections to Erebus' help, and soon the area was clear of the grizzly scene.

Meanwhile, before heading to the Skyward Inn, Flynn plucked up the courage to attempt to speak to the Faerie Skyknight as she received treatment for her injuries. As he approached, he attempted to initiate a conversation via a psychic link, being immediately struck by a backlash and attempting to scurry off.
While Flynn sought aid from Azanes, Sparrow furiously confronted the Skyknight and her mount, who graced Sparrow with a few minutes conversation, in which she maintained she had done nothing to Flynn, and slightly softened Sparrow's opinion towards her.

As the pair reunited with Erebus and headed to the tavern, they saw Captain Stormwind heading in with a cloaked figure. Before they could follow, the Wind Races finally made their delayed start, with Erebus and Sparrow being first to run the course.
The race was close fought, with some of the magically imbued rings providing difficulty for both riders, but eventually Erebus emerged victorious, setting the time for the other participants to beat throughout the day. At the end of the course, both participants received a pet Wind Whelp - Erebus gifting his to Flynn - which were promptly named Aurora and Borealis.

Finally making it to the tavern, the Captain's companion turned out to be a young Water Genasi woman bearing no family resemblence. When approached, Thalos seemed unwilling to let her converse with the crew, informing Erebus that Rohesia was looking for him, and that Sparrow should assist.

Rohesia Jolt was found perusing some maps which were more artistic than accurate, and informed Erebus that they had an assignment, at Highfield's Mystical Marvels.

Inside Highfield's, they found a shop full of wondrous items of arcane artifice, including a cloak which could transform into any outfit, an hourglass which could alter the flow of time, quills which could write on their own, and a tiny clockwork sparrow named Tinker.

The fast-talking dwarven proprietor, Amber Highfield, informed the party she had contracted the Guild to help recover and deliver a Pathfinder; a trademark item of hers, carrying a short-term enchantment which guided the bearer to a particular object. This particular one had been lost in the Tempestuous Deep: a treacherous area of ocean beneath the Stormrift Valley. When recovered, it needed to be deliviered to the Draconic Couriers Inc. depot in the town of Frostholm, at the base of the Glacial Spire in the nation of Frostgarden, for the attention of Galen Alderwood. In return, the promised payment for the crew was one chest of gold.

Amber bid the party farewell, and the crew reunited at the Twilight Endeavour late in the day, Erebus picking up gifts for the crew along the way, and stealthily placing them around the ship. The Captain was the last to arrive, accompanied by his female companion who he directed to his cabin. As the crew prepared to make way, he directed Erebus to guide the ship out Verdant-ward for an hour, and then to summon him for further navigation. Until then, he was not to be disturbed.

As the Endeavour set sail, a small crowd gathered at the dockside to wave them off, and Sparrow noticed Cassia Windrider in amongst them, with traces of blood on her hands.
With the islands of Aerolithica disappearing behind them, Captain Stormwind took to the bow of the ship, using his lightweaving skills to guide the Endeavour on its correct course, before returning to his cabin.

With open skies ahead, the crew continued on with the start of their long voyage to the Stormrift Valley, and the Tempestuous Deep below...


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