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Session 6: High Fields, Low Tides, Part 5

General Summary

The party stealthily approached the stationary Fortune's Favour, mooring themselves at the aft of the ship out of sight. With Tedric staying on board to watch over their boat and the unsteady Marin, Erebus took Flynn to investigate the Favour, while Sparrow headed into the Serpent's Teeth below to search for the Pathfinder.
Sparrow's dive took her almost 200ft below the waves, where she followed the light of bioluminescent algae and plankton to trace a path to some sunken rock formations. Studying the currents, she witnessed as a piece of driftwood became sucked into a riptide, and disappeared into a cavern in one of the larger rocky structures.
Attempting to retrace her path, Sparrow began to return to the surface, soon realising that she was headed not to Mad Maggie's ship or their hired boat, but to a third, much larger vessel holding position half a mile from the party.

Investigating the ship, Sparrow identified it as a pirate vessel bearing the name The Leviathan's Grasp. With the lanterns doused, it seemed to be rigged for stealth, but she was still able to pick up some chatter amongst the crew on deck, with talk about a new captain, and how this was too easy a job to prove his worth. After attempting to find a point to infiltrate, Sparrow was forced to concede that the number of crew made it too risky, and she returned to the water to retreat to the rest of the party.

Meanwhile, Erebus' investigation of the Fortune's Favour revealed it to be devoid of life, with the whole crew apparently diving below to retrieve salvage. He found no evidence of home comforts on board, with just basic amenities to keep the crew in order during short stints at sea. In a chamber below deck he found the crew's personal belongings, as well as a locker containing 8 Potions of Waterbreathing and a harpoon gun.

With Sparrow returning, she informed the rest of the group about the pirate vessel lurking nearby, and the decision was made to dive to the reef and attempt to recover the Pathfinder and escape before detection. Drinking their potions, Sparrow, Erebus and Flynn headed beneath the waves and towards the open cavern.

Following the riptide into the tunnel, Sparrow investigated assorted debris caught in the tunnel wall, finding a handful of coins and a metallic shard which caused a volatile reaction from her torque. She also befriended and collected a vial of bioluminescent algae, which directed the group through another tunnel and out into an open cavern caught in an air pocket.

Within the cavern, the party discovered the bodies of Mad Maggie's crew, all slain by a group of pirates lead by a merfolk captain of cephalopod heritage. Seeing the diminutive goblin form of Mad Maggie desperately trying to avoid attention, the party made an attack against the pirate crew. The ensuing battle was tough and bloody, with Sparrow falling to the spear of the captain, now bearing a scar across her chest as a permanent memento.
Eventually, the party subdued their enemies, and were able to convince Maggie to part with the Pathfinder in exchange for her life and freedom. As they made reference to the dead merfolk captain, however, Maggie insisted that this wasn't the captain of the Leviathan's Grasp, naming their captain as Captain Vortex, for who Maggie showed a great deal of fear.

With the Pathfinder retrieved, Ererbus, Sparrow and Flynn began to make their way back to their boat, with the intention to make haste back to Aecor's Lull as soon as they're on board...
Report Date
26 Jul 2024
Primary Location


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