BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

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Post Myling Script

During the quest Find and Recover Robert after defeating the undead girl   As the final blow strikes the child monstrosity in front of you the room bursts into a blinding light almost immediately followed by a blue-grey haze, like a fog, blurry in parts but in others it seems to rapidly shift faster than your eye can perceive only to immediately stop.   The fog eventually begins to take shape. Shaped stone forms under your feet, a dark sky appears overhead, a shy dull moon hiding behind the shifting clouds.   You stare over a stone balcony, you look down and feel nauseous at the dizzying height, a rushing river claws its way through a craggy valley hundreds of feet below.   You hear a voice.   "you don't have to do this (warped voice) - you can just let us go"   You turn to see a man on his knees   (for Klaern): He looks incredibly familiar, you've almost certainly seen his face before... He looks as if he could be the brother of a very close friend.   "Just let us go, we only want out of your wretched lands so that we may live in peace"   (for Klaern): the man on his knees turns to look in your direction, almost directly at you but straight through you. It's obvious now. This man must be a relative of Gard's... Or Gard himself, the resemblance is uncanny   In front of him stands an imposing figure... You cannot make out a single detail of this person... it's as if the fog does not want you to witness him.   This fog cloaked figure is surrounded by 4 imposing humanoids on either side of him, dressed in red and black garb and armed with black metal halberds with viciously jagged blades. They wear red tabards depicting what appears to be a black raven.   "Oh... but I must insist that you stay My dear brother Sergei... you and your precious family..."   Two massive wolves step out from behind the figure as if manifesting out of thin air. Pitch black fur and teeth as large as daggers they begin to snarl as if to echo their masters true emotions.   "After all... No one leaves these lands... Not even me."   "CEASE YOUR MADNESS, IF MOTHER WERE ALIVE TO" you hear from the disheveled man   The blurry figure disappears and in that same moment appears before the man on his knees. You see an arm outstretched from the misty blur and long claw like finger gripping the throat of the disheveled man silencing him immediately.   The misty figure begins to lift the man off his knees effortlessly until his feet no longer touch the ground.   You hear the sudden crying of a small child and the fog takes shape into a small girl who looks entirely like the entity you've just slain only... more intact... more human.   "hush..."   The small childs face goes blank and she stares into the distance wordlessly   The fog takes then embodies another shape beside the girl, a woman, dark skinned and beautiful with long auburn hair blowing graciously in the wind. She looks as though she wants to charge the misty figure but knows the repercussions that would follow. She instead moves the child behind her back.   The cloaked figure tightens his grasp on the mans neck, as the man struggles you see a pendant around his neck unloose itself from the inside of his shirt.   the misty figure drops the man back to his knees and with the same hand lifts the pendant, still around the mans neck, and appears to examine it.   From here you can see the pendant is a silver lantern, on a silver chain. A small glass orb is in the center of the lantern.   "now now... what's this? How did you hide this from my many eyes, Sergie? I can feel the power from this... Bound to you... (laugh under breath) Is this what you intended to use to escape me?"   He tears the pendant from around the mans neck and walks slowly away from the man stopping in front of the wolves, leaning over slighting and petting one the head. The wolf does not avert it's gaze from the man on his knees.   "well... Let's hope you're more gracious in the next life... or at least, for your sake, more subtle"   and with that the two wolves rush the man with incredible speed, lock their jaws on his arms and drag him to the ground. They begin to tear him apart visiously while the auburn haired woman screams in horror and holds the child tighter. The child still stares into the distance, no emotion save for a single tear that runs down her face.   Blood pools on the ground, seeping into the stonework. The man does not fight back, nor does he scream.   The wolves seem to relish in his suffering and refuse to go for the killing blow until they are sure they've drawn every drop of blood and viscera they can without killing the man.   The misty figure begins to walk away, his entourage in tow save for the wolves but when the larger of the two wolves eventually locks it's serrated maw on the mans throat with a sickening squelch something happens that catches his attention.   A wisp floats slowly up from the chest of the bloodied man... As if his soul has taken shape and refuses to leave.   The misty figure turns around and as it does the wisp, as if a guiding bolt, rushes towards the child and disappears into her chest.   A small glow appears under her shirt.   "It seems you won't be making a return after all Sergie..."   The misty figure strides over to her and moves her hair to the side revealing a chain identical to the one he found on the now deceased man. He removes it from her neck revealing yet another lantern pendant, but this time the glass orb is glowing faintly.   "I'm sorry Keytra, I'm sorry Sergei"   The Auburn haired woman speaks for the first time before ripping an identical pendant off and first throwing it from the balcony and then herself.   The misty figure does nothing to stop her   "How... Noble... I've all the time in the world to find her again... But for now, my child, let us focus our attention on you... and how you can help me leave this pitiful plane"   the figure places it's arm on the child's back and begins leading her away.   You feel pressure in your hand   You look down to see a small transparent blue hand grasping yours. It belongs to that same child, she is looking up at you sadly and then dissipates.   The fog envelopes your vision entirely again.   (For Klaern): The fog envelopes your visions entirely again... Another figure apparates in front of you, a humanoid, transparent with a blue glow. It begins to walk towards you. You recognize it as the unfortunate soul who was devoured by wolves in the previous vision. He continues walking towards you until eventually he steps right through you and dissipates   You come to your senses and return to the chamber you were in before the vision. No time has passed as the body of the monstrous child collapses to the ground. Her pendant now glowing a faint black.

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