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Find and Recover Robert

After putting an end to the Haunted House smuggling operation you were approached by Eda Oweland who requested your help recovering her son Robert Oweland , Robert was last seen heading towards the Hool Marshes with a wagon and a few compatriots.   Eda did not offer monetary payment for the work but instead offered you a fully crewed ship, which you were to keep provided you brought Robert back.   Eda advised that Robert often goes hunting for Crocodiles in the Hool Marshes. Uncertain of his usual hunting spots she advised speaking with Kiorna Kester who could be found at Kester's Leather Goods.   Robert always sells his the hides and skins he obtains during his hunting trips to Kiorna and is quire friendly with her.   Upon arriving at Kester's and speaking with Kiorna; she advised she cannot give out hunting grounds secrets so easily, it would be a betrayal of trust.   After some convincing, and the purchase of a couple crates of taxidermized squirrels Kiorna finally revealed Roberts usual camp on a map.  
  You set out on your new boat, which you have dubbed "The Autumn Swordfish". With your new crew, one of which was Richard, a smuggler who you captured in the Haunted House and set free on the condition that he turn his life around.   The Autumn Swordfish was too large to navigate the Dunwater River so you uncradled your previous scoop, "The Shoveling Swordfish" to continue your journey.   You eventually found Robert's Camp where after some time investigating you were ambushed by several undead and gloomy looking figured dressed in black.   You dispatched of them easily and burned the bodies.   On one of the bodies you found a water compass filled with a brackish red-brown liquid. It did not point north.   You followed the compass to where you eventually found a horizontal monolith and an imposing looking statue of which was surrounded by magical lights.   At this monolith you encountered more of this gloomy figures whom of which you saw two of them pull a corpse off of their wagon (which was filled to the brim with bodies) and drag it down a set of stairs that was hidden beneath the monolith.   You easily dispatched of the remaining gloomy guys, as well as their horses (which may or may not have been undead but probably weren't)   After dragging all of the gloomy guys and horses corpses onto the already corpse-filled wage you proceeded to burn it.   You solved the puzzle of opening the monolith and proceeded down the hidden staircase.   At the bottom you found a large hidden crypt.   You explored the crypt, and dispatched of it's denizens, living and undead alike.   Eventually you found Robert, next to a well, even further underground.   Takle proceeded forward by himself as the rest of the group was stuck behind a magical barrier.   Upon trying to touch Robert, he was pulled underground.   Immediately following this a horrible undead child crawled up from the well, fell unto the ground and began to sink as well.
  Takle ran back to where the group was but not before the undead child attempted to drag him underground.   Eventually the group broke through the barrier.   It was noticed that the undead child was wearing a lantern shaped pendant that was glowing red.   During the fight the undead child would unleash several wisps from the pendant that apparated into spirits that would try, and succeed to possess some of the group. Except Gabe who had cast Protection from Evil and Good on himself, and therefore could not be possessed.  
  After a long battle with several close calls the group managed to slay the undead girl   Upon doing so she reverted back to her old self, the Lantern Pendant let out a blinding white light which was followed by a dream-like sequence (see; Post Myling Script)   After the sequence the group examined the necklace, now glowing a faint black, and found it to be a +1 Amulet of the Devout which Klaern equipped.  
  The group then found Robert Oweland lying next to the well, conscious but catatonic.   They began to walk Robert out of the crypt, as they did they found a dwarven woman locked in the crypt's cage, Ola.   Ola joined the group.   The group made their way back to their ship wherein they found Richard awake and waiting for them   Richard welcome the group back on board and immediately notified them that they had some stow-aways that seemed to know the group.   The group recognized the group of Bullywug's as the band from the Bullywug swamp encounter.   The group then returned to Saltmarsh to deliver Robert Oweland to Eda Oweland   Eda was unhappy with the state Robert was in and asked the group to leave   The group later returned with the idea of putting the lantern pendant on Robert.   When they did, a wisp exited the pendant and entered Robert wherein he returned to his normal self, no longer catatonic.   After this occurred the pendant began to glow and let out a beam of light that stretched for miles that only the group could see thus prompting the quest Follow the Light

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