Chapter I: The Age of Creation Myth in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Chapter I: The Age of Creation

Written by Malekoth

Once there was but a black void. Nothingness. Time did not yet exist and everything was abstract and devoid of substance. The essences of law and chaos were the only things that existed within the void; powerful, physical waves of energy that manifested themselves as the natural orders of existence. Then came the Nameless Ones. Huge, monstrous beings from deep within the black that was devoid of everything. Their reasons unknown, created a sphere made of stone and earth. On this lifeless rock the Nameless Ones created the first mortal beings of life, and while not possessing much free will, each body was given a soul.

They were primordial forms turned flesh from the rock and dirt of the sphere their masters created. Possessing two arms and hands to work, and two legs to tread the barren earth, these beings were commanded to perform hard labor. The primitive beings not possessing of free will, followed the orders given. They used only their hands to build structures and buildings now lost to time and forgotten, great spires and arches that threatened to reach into the void. The purpose of these constructs was known only to the eldritch masters and not to the mindless, primoridal beasts that created them.

The thralls of the unimaginably powerful Nameless Ones, without sustenance and rest began to die while toiling in their labors. When a life was nearing completion, its body would be used as food for the cosmic overlords, and the primordial soul lost to wander the heavens. As slaves began dying by the thousands at once, the Nameless Gods would have to cease their own duties to create more. The great ancient gods decided that their workforce could have meager sustenance to better survive and ease the burden of constant replenishing the slave’s numbers. It is most likely, that the otherworldly gods found the task more of a bother, keeping them from continuing with their own plans of which we cannot fathom, rather than becoming tired and weakened by replacing a fallen thrall.

The beastly gods then created the heavens in the sky which was once black and void. Celestial hosts now filled the sky such as a sun, a moon and stars. The cycle of day and night began; filling the primordial sphere with light in the day and the moon and stars, after the sun would retreat to the heavens to rest. The Nameless Ones gave those celestial bodies a divine essence and tasked them with providing warmth and nourishment to their primordial thralls. Four divine beings were made and were ordered by the Nameless Ones to command these celestial objects to nourish their slave labor.

Primus, the sun set in the sky, gave light and warmth to all on this once barren rock. Silvanus softened the earth from which other forms of life sprang; primordial plant and beast which gave nourishment to the mindless thrall. Naussica became the rain which gave water to those barely of form. And Nocturna filled the night sky with her body becoming the moon to light the darkness. These four became the Elder Host, otherwise known as the creators of the realms.

Now with food, light, and water, the slaves of the Nameless Ones looked to the morning skies and felt hope. The beings prayed to the brilliant orb in the sky. Their prayers thanked Primus for giving them the light which begat all life and prayed to him that their suffering end soon; through either liberation or death, for the thralls could now live longer and were tasked and tortured twice as hard and long. They toiled until the wee hours before the new day when Primus would pierce the sky of Nocturna. Fed and rested, the primordial people’s length of life did indeed increase, but they would still be driven to collapse and their weakened bodies would find themselves in the jaws of their horrific masters.

Primus felt the hope and heard the prayers and pleas of the mindless thralls below. He used that to begin burning brighter, burning away the mists and fog of the world so that His rays could be felt throughout the land. His brilliance also strengthened and emboldened his Divine siblings. They also bestowed their life giving gifts with renewed strength and vigor. The Elder Host began to scheme to overthrow the Nameless Ones and free themselves and the souls of the sphere below from the monster’s thrall.

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Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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