Silvanus Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Silvanus (sil-van-us)

Treefather, The Shalm

Silvanus, god of nature, is most often shown as a tall humanoid of indeterminate race. His skin is made of ochre earth, his hair and robes made of grass, and large wooden antlers protrude from both sides of his head. Because Silvanus strictly adheres to neutrality, he is a rival of Serrenna . Silvanus plays a shalm (a double-reed woodwind musical instrument, also spelled “shawm”) and takes his title from this instrument. He also carries a staff.   Silvanus is the father of the elves. The elven species is descended from the fae in Arborea. Early in the formation of the surface the Silver Shores, Silvanus brought with him and released legions of fae into the wild to watch and guard over it. These creatures grew and changed through time, magic, and breeding into what this world knows as elves. Thus, they revere Silvanus and carry on his desires to steward nature.

Divine Domains

Nature, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silvanus does not have priests but is rather revered by druids, rangers, and particularly wood elves, thus there is no holy object that best symbolizes the god and the devotion of his faithful.   There are however several herbs and roots that are considered holy and used it certain riuals and ceremonies.

Tenets of Faith

Silvanus rules nature and the wilderness, and he is a friend to all who live in harmony with the natural world. He expects his followers to live in harmony with nature in all its variety. Those who destroy or otherwise harm nature deserve swift vengeance in an appropriate manner, says Silvanus. Those who are one with nature, however, have little to fear, although the well-meaning but foolish are sometimes brought down by a danger they could not avoid or divert. Silvanus teaches that the wilds can sometimes be ugly, dangerous, or terrible, but that these things are a part of nature and should be respected as much as those that are beautiful, harmless, or wonderful, for these characterizations mark a newcomer’s perspective.


Winter’s Wane: Marking the winter solstice, this holiday celebrates the resilience of nature with bonfires, storytelling, and winter sports. Silvanus is honored with rituals that celebrate the natural cycle of life and death. This celebration happens during the month of Wildbloom.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Silvanus exists to preserve the green wilds of the Silver Shores. He also seeks to preserve the balance and neutrality. He will protect the wolf as it slays the fawn for that is the way of nature. He is also indifferent to the river that floods and the lives of all creatures it takes, the lightning that strikes the dead tree and subsequent fire that cleanses and paves the way for regrowth. If the fire was not started naturally, woe to those who would destroy the wild with axe or fire, for Silvanus's wrath is swift and great.   Serrenna Silvanus's daughter. He raised her on the Divine Isle of Arborea. The Treefather distantly loves his daughter, but nonetheless they have different philosophies on how best to protect the wilds. Serrenna would save the lamb from the wolf, as long as it means the wolf does not starve, while Silvanus sees the wolf as pruning the weak from the forest. They clash over how to handle the intellgent humanoids that wander into, travel through, or would make their home in the forest. As long as they do no harm to, Serrenna would see to their safety, while Silvanus believes that if the being met their fate, it is the least they deserve.
Divine Classification
Major Diety
Emerald Green
A mane of leaves adorned with a crown of elk antlers
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Nature, Plants, Earth, Animals

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Character Portrait image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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