Chapter IV: The Age of Reconstruction Myth in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Chapter IV: The Age of Reconstruction

Vain Asmodeus boasted of his decision to defy Primus’s decree and claimed that the victory solely belonged to he and his cousin, Tyrannus. Tyrannus filled with blood-lust descended to the world below to slay all primordial life, thus letting the devils of the Nine Hells have their souls, completing their bargain with Asmodeus. Primus furious at being disobeyed and embarrassed at his son’s arrogance and vanity, stripped Asmodeus of his divinity and banished him to the Nine Hells to reside amongst the evil he had bargained with.

Tempus came to the world below and stood between his brother, Tyrannus, and the annihilation of the primitive inhabitants of this now barren and drained husk of a world. The half-brothers, being evenly matched, battled to a standstill. Primus halted the battle and prepared to banish Tyrannus to the Nine Hells as well until Tempus spoke on Tyrannus’s behalf, begging the god of the sun to spare his half-brother from Asmodeus’s fate. Primus showed compassion and banished Tyrannus to the Divine Isle of Acheron, while letting him his keep his godhood but forbade him from leaving.

The remaining gods looked at this broken and scarred world, almost drained of all life and wept. The primitive slaves now free from the tyranny of the Nameless Ones were in as dire straits as before the Great War. With the last of ebb of strength the remaining twelve gods, including Tyrannus, blessed and infused the world with their remaining divine essence in hopes of healing it and those who dwelled on it as well. Using their individual gifts the gods helped gave the world a rebirth, and shaped it and its denizens.

Primus and Nocturna brought back the day and the night, the sun and the moon. Naussica filled the mighty chasms, created from the endless battles, with water which became the oceans. Silvannus kissed the blood soaked soil and created the forests, the jungles, and the beasts within. Tempus would fill the sky with storms, and Volturnus would bring fire. Prospera filled the plains with wheat and grains and grass and gave all living beings the ability and desire to be fruitful and multiply. Tyrannus imbued the world with the will to fight and wage war for self-preservation. Revanna would stand watch over the river, Infernus, from incursion from the planes of Hell. Ketsimus would bring the unpredictability of fate and luck to the beings who dwelled below, and finally Mystra would fill the realm with magic and the desire for knowledge.

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